Disabling Speedboost for Allies

I am working on a multiplayer lucio rollout mode, but I have run into the issue that Lucio can receive a Speedboost from other Lucio’s on top of his own. I am trying to figure out how to disable the Speedboost effect applied to allies, both passive and amp it up, so the rollouts can be relevant to real games. I still want the buff to apply to each Lucio individually. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try this:

			enabled maps
				Workshop Island

			Hero Limit: Off

				Crossfade: Off
				Movement Speed: 125%

			enabled heroes

rule("Rule 1")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is In Alternate Form(Event Player) == True;
		Is Alive(Event Player) == True;

		Set Ability 1 Enabled(Event Player, True);
		Wait(0.016, Ignore Condition);
		Press Button(Event Player, Button(Ability 1));
		Wait(0.016, Ignore Condition);
		Set Ability 1 Enabled(Event Player, False);
		Loop If Condition Is True;

rule("Rule 2")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is Using Ability 2(Event Player) == True;

		Set Move Speed(Event Player, 128);
		Wait Until(!Is Using Ability 2(Event Player), 99999);
		Set Move Speed(Event Player, 100);

Thank you so much! I apologize if I ask too many questions, but I am obviously not the best with all of this.

I really like your first rule, it forces healing aura only perfectly. So I don’t have to worry about speed aura at all.

I’m not sure I understand the second rule though. When a player tries to Amp it up, it sets speed to 128?
Also, why did you set Lucio’s movement speed to 125 in the settings?

I think that it can be solved with 3 parts:

First, disable speed aura completely. This is done, thanks to your Rule 1.

Second, create a speedboost toggle. I can have it set the movement speed to 100 when false, and 125 when true. The only issue is that I think the only way to do this is to have it toggle whenever crossfade is pressed. But Rule 1 disables speed aura by pressing crossfade whenever Lucio is in speed aura form. So I’m stuck there.

Third, create an amp it up effect for speedboost. I think this will be easy, but I haven’t started on it.

Thanks again for your help already! Any more ideas about this would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood what you needed help with. Does your mode have combat in it? I thought it was only going to be a parkour training mode.

Edit: also, 125% is Lucio’s default speed boost, and 160% (1.25 x 1.28) is the amp it up speed. Since speed boost is disabled, I wanted to make amp it up function as if you were using speed boost.

Ah, now I get it. That sounds great. I definitely like what you have better than my current state. There is no combat, but I would like it to be as close to in game as possible so I still want crossfade and amp it up to be activated by their actual keys. I also think that sometimes being able to slow down to regular speed can be helpful in some cases.