Disable skull kill in overwatch! please

Search this over and over i’m not the only one. When you kill someone a skull appears. I don’t care how much it helps in the game to let you know you kill someone it’s very annoying. Anyone knows a way to get rid of it? when Searching someone asked in 2018 out of so many updates why can’t they put this in the gameplay option section? I do allot of aim practice with workshop and that skull it’s on the way all the time. You can’t even practice like you should. Please help! Or make a petition about this so they can finally have the option.


Dont you only see it for your team?



oh that…

I though the OP was talking about the respawn thing, my bad :sweat_smile:

with the new workshops out there the skull gets in the way but even before i never liked it. not sure what good does it do for me.

i agree, the skull is satisfying sometimes but irritating when you’re trying to chain kills

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Sometimes the skull won’t appear even if you kill someone. It’s weird.

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It only appears to the player who got the killing blow.

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I know, but sometimes I deal the final blow, and the skull doesn’t appear.

Weird I’ve never actually seen this appear at all. Even on the rare chance I get 4 head shot kills back to back on widow.

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Uh… you thought you got it you mean, but likely didn’t

I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that skull before, weird… Huh.

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What? Sometimes i deal the final blow but the skull doesn’t appear.
And i’m 100% sure that i dealt the final blow since it says so on the kill-feed

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So what now? The code below it’s the workshop code I use and I love it but that skull it’s very annoying. Who in the right mind thinks it helps? Anyways people have been asking this for years I search it up in google and so many people asking the same but seems someone in the higher end in overwatch loves skulls I’m guessing, I’ll ask next year hope by then I moved on to a new game. I just feel stupid I spent 50 dollars one time buying loot boxes and got 3 games and can’t even change something as simple as this.


This happens to me too recently at times. It’s a bug.

I honestly don’t even notice it. It’s white noise. It’s there, but your brain just doesn’t acknowledge it.


They could just make the hit marker red for people who hate the skull. But we’re talking about Blizzard and minro things. 4 years, and we can’t control the music tracks either. I’ve never heard the maps music for any of the new ones. Because I have to leave the music off. All because of the we’re running out of time and winning music are annoying during a match.

I honestly don’t notice it. However, more customizability is always a great idea!

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Since the skull is offensive in china…what do they replace it with. :thinking:

That’s hilarious. I think the only way for them to change it it’s to make it seems like it’s offensive to people.
For those who don’t notice the skull your sub conscious is. I honestly think this is a subliminal hidden message of death. That’s why they don’t want to take it off.
All jokes aside(maybe) I promise you if they put an option to get rid of this thing like 70% of players will disable it.

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