Director's Take - Empowering Tanks in Midseason

Director's Take - Empowering Tanks in Midseason

Aaron Keller gives an early look at improving the Tank experience coming this midseason for Overwatch 2.

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weā€™re specifically buffing the Tank passive to have a 25% damage reduction from headshots

*Excited D.Va noises*


As a tank player, this makes me very happy! Itā€™s great that they are going to improve the experience for tank players!

I would suggest a new passive called ā€œrearview mirrorā€ which would allow players to be able to see behind them more easily - this could be a good change as well? Either you could have it as a literal ā€œmini screenā€ - but this might have performance implications, so a simpler method would be to allow players to look behind them with the press of a button - the same way as it is in racing games - I think this would be especially beneficial for Reinhardt?

And this saves the Rein player having to do the clunky ā€œhold up your shield and hold left click and look aroundā€ which is quite tricky to do in the heat of a battle whilst trying to move around and see the things in front of you as well and means that he has to potentially take unnecessary shield damage as well as slow his movement!

Or an even cooler idea for Rein specifically - what if the Reinhardt shield itself was a mirror?

:shield: :mirror:

It would be translucent so you could still see through it but you would also be able to vaguely see the forms/silhouettes of the people behind you!

The downside is I imagine this would be quite a technical challenge to implementā€¦

Then again if you added RTX Ray tracing support - maybe accurate real time reflections could be easy to apply to the Reinhardt shield? Naturally though this would have a performance impact hehā€¦

Also please could the team add FSR 3.1 support with frame generation?

As well as DLSS 3 with frame gen?

Also, could we get higher field of view option for console players or more graphical option settings to tweak our experience as desired as well as frame rate stats?



Weā€™re also increasing the knockback resistance for tanks from 30% to 50%, which should allow them to hold the front line a lot more and not feel as subjected to displacement abilities.

Sad frog noises

In some more individual changes, Junker Queen is getting a buffed Commanding Shout, which will be activated even if you are channeling other abilities like Carnage or Rampage, and its cooldown is getting reduced to 12 seconds. This change should allow her to be more engaged in intense fights where you need to charge in more quickly.

This is an amazing change


Please buff mercy, we are struggling out here


2nd tank when?


Still going to be bullied by Ana and obliterated by focus fire.


I donā€™t think you want fram gen tech in a fps game. The increased latency will probably make things worse instead of better with more fps.


The thing is I spend a lot of time watching my replays back and input latency would have absolutely no effect thereā€¦

I want to be able to watch them, nice and smooth hehā€¦


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Donā€™t bother revert that laughable bullet size buff in S9?
OK :rofl: :sleepy:


Mercy not mentioned (one of the worst supports since S9) amazing clown festival devs.


Not sure how you can fix Tanks with all of the passives which indirectly impact them.

A single Tank against four other players each on two roles wonā€™t fix anything.


2-2-2 coming back would improve the Tank experience.

The reason queue times got bad in OW1 was because:
(1) The severely imbalanced hero roster of 8 Tanks, 17 DPS, 7 Supports. We got ZERO new Tank or Support heroes after 2-2-2ā€™s release. We just got Echo, our 17th DPS.
(2) CC was not notably addressed until OW2. Back in OW1, Tank players would get hit by 5 second ability lockout Sombra, into 5 second Sleep from Ana, into a Cassidy flash-bang stun, into a Roadhog Hookā€¦ You get the picture. Tanks being in front of the team and the biggest target means they got chain-CCā€™d the most.



This may sound crazy, keep it simple. Add another tank since 6v6 didnā€™t need game breaking passives and this constant tweaking of heroes until many become a shell of what they use to be.

Or just continue to stubbornly implement these changes to the game nobody asked for.


D.Va is a BIG winner of these changes watch this post. I might be backā€¦


Soā€¦ weā€™re reverting armor back to ow1 where its better against tracer, sombra and worse against burst damage. I mean, Iā€™ll take the illari buff so its 70 damage instead of 52.

The headshot feels like it should of been there from the start considering how big they are on most tanks to begin with.

Iā€™m not sure about ball. My gut reaction is ā€œwhy thoughā€, but weā€™ll see in game.


These sound like horrifying awful changes, omgā€¦


Every single one of the changes are actually really good!



Yeahā€¦we back to tanks being raid bosses


First, weā€™re specifically buffing the Tank passive to have a 25% damage reduction from headshots

Aw hell naw