Director’s Take: Balance Updates for Season Five

Yeah I was really hoping that they would’t butcher Queen,she’s strong but to me she still feels like the most fair meta tank we had in OW2 so far.


Cassidy magnade is getting reworked so that it slows and blocks movement abilities in exchange for less damage?

Hell yeah

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They basically let him use Hack for a bit


Thank you.

I’d probably want more, but this seems like it might be enough.

Cass: magnetic Grenade will also get updated to deal less damage, as well as applying an effect that slows and blocks movement abilities


So by the way, if the devs were looking to tackle the PharMercy stuff next, this would be a very direct way to do it:

  • Mercy, heals teammates who are more than 8m above the ground at a rate of 35hps
  • Pharah, Concussion Blast cooldown reduced 25%.
  • Mercy, Guardian Angel is returned to having a flat 1.5 second cooldown
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whoever is controlling the balance team behind the shadows and controlling u guys from the back like puppets, dw. i will find this person :slight_smile:

they still need to fix…
The unbalance in Matchmaking


Is the dmg falloff scalar of 30%-50% just for her or is it every character?

One thing at a time dude

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A good Widow is going to smoke you at 50 meters just as easily as 300. I think you’re way overestimating how far away Widow really is on most maps.

For example, 50 meters doesn’t even cover the distance between the top of the ship and the attacker entrance on Gibraltar B…


squints at this in moira


oh no


I strongly believe that these nerfs to Widow will put her in the unplayable category.

Every other hero will simply be a better pick than Widow. If she keeps her HP + the nerfs on her range… 50 meters to do 200 damage headshot is… useless.

Soldier, Ashe, Bastion, Sojourn will outclass her in every way going forward. Not to mention the flying characters such as Echo and Pharah will be close to unkillable.

With Mercy boost I imagine the range can go up to 53-55 meters but still…

Will have to see how it plays out, but I’d hope they revert her health back up as compensation. Otherwise, she won’t be able to compete.


It’s a start at least. I’ve always wanted 25-30m for max one shot distance with some serious compensation buffs. But I’ll take whatever crumbs blizzard will give :man_shrugging:

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hanzo 1 shot on 200 hp heroes from across the map is still too much


Widowmaker ruined, now for a dozen threads crying about Mei every day instead.


not a lot of people played her anyways unless the map called for it

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I don’t really like using falloff range to tone down sniping, but we’ll see how it plays. I do think they probably overdid the extent of falloff by about 5-10 meters and/or degree.

It’s an indirect buff to fliers as well, which admittedly probably need separate addressing.

But regardless, I suppose if it manages to calm down complaints somewhat, it’s probably in “fine for now” territory.


mei gets buffed multiple times in a row while shes already a staple in rush comps, and now she cant get one shot lol


i dont know myself since i was never good at concerning distances in overwatch. i do know thats it for her in the overwatch league tho. im just wondering if i will feel it as an average widowmaker player

Ok so what are the chances I get my Dva buffs?

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And discord nerf? no?

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