Director’s Take – The next chapter in the story

Hopefully in the trash, never to be thought of again.

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That costs Bobby money. No can do. Best you can get is three cinematics saved up from 2019 welded together and called a “mini series.” Anyways, there’s a writer’s strike ongoing, although I have no doubt ActiBlizz would scab it up in half a heartbeat to save a nickel.


Pve wasnt canceled stop saying that. Hero missions were cancled cuz bobby cut 80% of overwatch staff and pocketed the money. Its always been bobby and im so hopeful microsoft will give him the boot aint no way theyre overpaying that scumbag

He’s too connected by virtue of 20+ years of being a CEO and a board member of various other companies. There’s a club, he’s in it, we’re not. He’ll quit when he’s done breaking stuff and squeezing it dry.

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The PVE part of the game that they promised was going to give you neverending hours of replayability has been cancelled, does that sound better? My message is still the same, nobody cares about this superfluous stuff in a dying game that got the biggest updated ever annouced cancelled, which by the way is the reason they put that damned 2 on the title, when the MAIN core issue preventing players to enjoy it is still there … the f… matchmaking. Not to mention that the majority of the player base who was following this game since launch left the game when OW2 revealed itself for what it is, and they were the only persons interested a bit on this kind of stuff. Current F2P kids are just bored about warzone and Fortnite and neither care nor know about OW lore. In other words, they changed the game target.

And I hope to on MS too to send Bobby at home forever and resurrect the old Blizzard quality. That doesn’t mean current devs have no possibility to tune/fix matchmaking to give us the experience we deserve tho, otherwise this game will be dead even before MS will be able to take any action. But for some reason, even if it’s not longer just a known but also proved by the entire community, they continue to ignore us about that.


I reallt don’t care about bland girl soldier with a one shot.

The performance of the game entirely is out the window here.

We need some balancing more than ever and I hate the fact its going to be weeks before we see a S76 revert and hopefully some changes to that dumb hindered effect off hacknade that allows Mccree to be a better Sombra.

The healing tempos are much too high on like 1 third of the support roster.

And skill expression is at an all time low.

Playet skill needs to be the priority here. We cannot keep allowing easy dominating heros and abilities to control the meta here.

Yes I strongly agree…

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Whoop-E. You’ll do a 360 on a character to virtue signal in the future. How about you focus on the horrific matchmaking system, and ban all the hackers that flooded the game. You made all those promises when OW1 got nothing, telling all of us to have patience, then you backed out of those promises because you were too focused on how to squeeze every dime you could out of the shop.

There are/were a lot of people on this team named jeff

thatll be 49.99$ please


Can you guys please provide a download button for all the comics, I know there is download button per comic, that is how I have collected and printed them inside my overwatch themed file holder. But it would be nice to have a download all button for all new people looking there

Look at this aaron clown hes lying again. Things like matchmaker or anti-cheat will always be the lowest priority right ow team?

Jeff Chamberlain actually :thinking:

Yeah, so great that you are moving the story forward, after such a long time, and letting everyone participate…

Oh, wait. You don’t. 15 bucks, please.

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You know, I’m watching the new cinematic and… why the hell isn’t Aurora speaking??

Everyone is just narrating her existence in past-tense. It’s a bit irritating.

It’s like a documentary. There’s nothing special or theatrical about it. Like watching a movie, but everything is pre-recorded on a shaky-cam camcorder.

Then Omnica corp goes under?

Overspending? For what reason?
Mismanagement? Was the CEO on drugs?
Fraud? Imagine that. Sounds like complete incompetence.

No good reason it went under. “It just did.” Imagine Google doing that, and it becomes laughable.

And all of a sudden, Omnics attack. What the hell? Who wrote this?

Unprovoked. No reason given. It just happened. The Fire Nation would be blushing right now.

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Haven’t you been paying attention? They’re not coming.

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  1. Jeff Kaplan.
  2. The new Jeff Kaplan? Or whoever I’ve been playing this game with….

Hey Guys. Tracer here. Please go ahead and check out that Ticket I sent you earlier. Recall event complication complete, though its still a little out of order. Little mix up in translation when you sent me on that mission. I thought you said TPO, not PTO, and somehow ended up in a supermarket fighting over toilet paper. No idea what probability factor resulted in that spin off series, but it was super weird guys.

Oh. Before I forget (cuz we all know how I forget things). Something is going on with Anubis.