Director’s Take – The next chapter in the story

You guys seem to farm developers named Jeff.

if the money isn’t going to them why would they bother

Why do you keep tryiing to hype this? You killed any hype you could’ve possibly built for it months ago.

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Not really much to say at this point considering the layoffs are around the corner.

Give it some time, but we all know microsoft is gonna clean house. sorry. :frowning:

The story is dead to me, since I have no intention of paying for the PvE bait and switch


Microsoft can’t come to clean house soon enough, this broken game needs real leadership.


You haven’t seen the many cinematics, origin stories, comics, short stories, novels, hero bios, in-universe articles, voice lines, visual storytelling in maps, in-game canonical PVE missions and other lore-based tidbits?


>be Michael Chu
>get promoted to lead writer on Overwatch
>do about 5% of what’s actually expected of you for over 6 years
>refuse to elaborate


I’m excited to watch this in youtube.

I think you and I are going to have very different ideas as to what constitutes as “lore.” But, I don’t really want to get into it.

Actually, I’m glad you responded. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I’ve been unsure how to broach the subject.

I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry. For last time. I’m sure you remember, yes? I was super high that night (nothing illegal, mind you), it was three in the morning. I saw you and… Just seeing you rubbed me the wrong way for reasons that are entirely not your fault. I was of course, disciplined afterwards, and since then Ive had a long hard think about it and what my anger towards this game been doing to me, and how I treat others here.

I’ve been a massive fool. For years. I still believe pretty much everything I’ve ever written, but I regret being so aggressive about it. I just don’t care how seemingly everyone jumps down your throat here every time they disagree with you… and that makes me mad at people when I ought to not be. I see these forums as a zero sum game - where each disagreement has a winner and loser… And I am always the loser, and that hurts me more than I care to admit. It’s just for once, I want someone to listen to me. I want to “win,” and that night I was certain that attacking you was going to achieve just that. Otherwise, I always come from a place of well meaning, but I seem to lack the language skills to be able to explain myself so that others understand me. I much prefer discussions where ideas are exchanged in a rational fashion, but even when I try that approach where I try to engage someone in something that I find interesting, I’ve inevitably found time and again that whoever I’m talking to starts getting upset and angry with me regardless of my intention… So typically, I’ve found it much less painful to just leave snarky, abrasive comments, or tell people how stupid they are.

Anyway. That’s everything I wanted to say. TL;DR: I’m truly sorry for attacking you.


too cheap, $1,000 minimum


Well as far as forum interactions go that was weirdly kind and unexpected :smile:
Thanks for the apology and I’m sorry too for aggravating you.


i ain’t reading all that
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that happened

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Honestly I dont care about anything related to OW2 since Blizzard already failed in all aspects possible. I just really wanted weekly missions gone and/or cash coins in BP instead of stupid useless souvenirs no one uses.

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It definitely has lore. It doesn’t really have a story, but it has lore.

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So to actually TL;DR this;
“There’s already a bunbch of story, go to this link to see it. And there will be another cinematic soon™”
Nothing to do with the story-adjacent content that comes out in a month, other than to remind you it’s coming(ready those wallets). Not what is happening going forward from that, like I expected them to talk about (I know, my fault)

Why even progress this generalised shame of a lore if all you can do is three 20 minutes long story mission with no replay value every half a year? Just make a Netflix show or something.

I think I remember that guy. Wasn’t his job to go on vacation constantly and post instagram pics of food? Literally don’t think he did a single day’s work for like the last 4 years he was working at Blizzard


Will you ever bring back “overwatch 1”, not just a game mode, but, the game itself?

I would pay the full 60 dollars for it, even more if I needed too, I’m desperate bro…

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I totally agree they should bring ow1 it would be beneficial for us and for them, so I don’t know why it’s taking so long…

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