Director’s Take – Reflecting on the future of Overwatch 2

To hell with you hellen keller… I’m refunding every overwatch related expense since 2016… my bank is awesome like that… incompetent leadership is not something i was time on… much less from a filthy yank…

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While disappointing, take all the time that you need, I’ve been a fan of PVP for years and still plan on continuing to play. Excited to see how the development change improves content delivery. Make sure to take time and not crunch. Games don’t make themselves, teams do. I hope the team can stick together through all of this. I’m Excited for Seasons 5,6, & 7.

The main problem isn’t that you cancelled the PVE. That is a dissapointment, but the main issue is that you cancelled it a year before the launch. Then during and after the launch you kept on saying there would be PVE when you know there would not. You knew that if you told the truth before launch it would hurt your sales, it would hurt your numbers. People would be dissapointed, there would be less people buying battle passes and skins, so you waited to make your money.

How can you feel good about yourselves knowing every single stream, every interview, every piece of promo road map images, that mentioned the Hero Tree and all the other PVE was coming, yet you knew the whole time it wasn’t?

That’s the terrible part.

You try and compare it to how OW started, but that’s not the issue here. You intentionally deceived your customer base in order to make more money. You knew that because it was changing to free to play you could do this and not worry about getting sued, because people aren’t buying a product. You found a loophole and you knew that when you did announce it you would get heat for it from the community but in the long run, nothing would happen. Like your stock price has barely even fluctuated. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter, especially since you know you are selling the company anyways. But you guys took home a lot of extra money at the expense of all the fans who supported you.

That’s why it feels bad, because the people who love overwatch really love overwatch, and you did them dirty.

Remember when you used to focus on making a good game first. I miss those days.

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I’m out of likes for today but I just want to bump this comment. Losing PvE isn’t as big a blow as the lies and omissions that strung us along for years. The slimy language being used as a gotcha is just the poop cherry on top of the mudpie.


I used to defend the delays on the PVE with people that say the game is dead. I used to tell them “PVE is just gonna be awesome, we will just have to wait for it until it is done, after all this is the company that made WoW.”. Now I do not care anymore, and I wonder, is this the same company?

Sorry. I’m responding to this thread again.

I re-read the article, and I have one more thing to say.

Aaron - stop gaslighting us. Stop acting like you didn’t cancel the PvE the team promised. Saying “much of the discussion this week has been about how we’re cancelling PvE outright, which isn’t accurate” and then trying to get people excited.

No. That is not true, and you know it isn’t true. You do not get to place blame, even a fraction, on your playerbase when your team lied. You held onto that lie for a year and that is simply unforgiveable. Don’t you dare spin any of the onus on us. It’s already annoying enough you lied, but then to try to gaslight the community again to try to put the blame on them is ridiculous.


Truthfully, this is just another sad, empty feeling apology. I’m tired of half-hearted apologies and promises to do better. I know that this is harsh, but your words aren’t enough anymore, you’ve proven this time and time again… This is starting to remind me of a toxic relationship. It’s time to put up or hush up. Action required.


It’s hard for me to understand how the Overwatch team has been under the impression all this time that the game would evolve into an MMO. It’s taken them six years to realize that it’s a PvP game at its core. Maybe they’ve just never been able to accept the fact that Titan got cancelled, and have been plotting in secret to bring it back. What a weird thing.

It’s been a long frustrating journey, but I’m reasonably optimistic about the game’s future. My only fear is that the community will be unable to forgive them, resulting in disappointing monetization and eventually maintenance mode like HotS. However, I haven’t seen any evidence so far that their monetization is failing, and as long as it’s making money they’ll keep doing it.

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that is exactly what it resembles, the damage control is just sad at this point

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its not failing at all they grossed 2,383,000,000 last quarter compared to last year its x2

I mean… you knew its canned year before the release of OW2 and you advertised and lured ppl into buying OW2. Now you are telling us why you can’t make it? NOW? Seriously?

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Zzzzzzz wake me up when they finally admit their wrongdoing and gives an actual detailed update on what they have done.

Truthfully, 90% of your playerbase is not gonna wait till season 6 to experience “the game changing awesome pve” you love to preach about. We want DETAILS on what you have done with the PVE for the past 3 - 4 years.

Stop trying to beat around the bush, there is no longer a bush, the community have burned it. Now explain everything


Saying that the team ALWAYS intended for “story missions” and the hero mode to be separate is a hilarious gaslight. I’m sure you really did intend to have a story mode that was just archives and a mode with actual replayability and content Aaron, that would have been a GREAT idea.


PVE is only for MMO and is not present in OW1 or OW2. I feel for the developers but that doesn’t excuse the Company and you out right lied to your consumers and you knew OW2 wasn’t going to be fully realized but put it out anyways. You actually removed content and charged people for it. It doesn’t matter how difficult it would be to put out the content your process because you promised it. That’s your job and a “I’m sorry MB” isn’t a response that equals what you’ve done. I don’t want a different “form”, I want what you promised.


Literally no one cares about an 'Im Sorry" or “an explanation” that basically just says no new information at all. You’ve lost the trust in everyone. While it’s better than nothing and appreciated, it doesn’t excuse anything, which with the way they’ve been handling stuff (x3 XP, Blizzard Tweeting Pride shirt, cancelling the PVE after 30 min of talking about Starwatch with 8 min on PVE, etc. It’s clear they are trying to cover this up and divert people’s attention

The biggest gaslight of this article to me is “Everyone is saying PVE is cancelled, it’s not”.

It literally is, keeping your story missions and calling it PVE is not what was shown, promised, and what you even identitfy as a PVE. A PVE has Progression, short term and long term, and the feeling of accomplishment when finishing a level on expert mode, or beating the campaign, or unlocking all the achievements, etc. Stop trying to back pedal around the fact that your game is now labled as “cancelled” or “scrapped”, it literally is. Youre doing no difference than releasing a Junkersteins Revenge with storylore with 5 additional minutes of gameplay and being able to play on a new portion of a map. Wow, 5 years, impressive!


Aaron, you can’t string along a community for three and a half to four years and then go “we’re sorry, but the feature you’ve been waiting for is no longer coming,” and expect everyone to be okay with it. The amount of damage you’ve done to the product and community is catastrophic, and I will never support another blizzard product again. The only thing that OW2 added is a cash shop and BP, and that is very poor.

Meanwhile, the pathetic drip feed of PvP content continues. If you’re so focused on PvP then why is taking 3/4 of a year to rework 2 abilities for Hog? How can the community be excited for the roadmap when there’s next to no information regarding what each piece of content actually is?

Blizzard should be ashamed, and you should have never bothered to write this blog to begin with. And personally, I expected the PvE mode to be a “glorified archives event” and you’ve still managed to disappoint me even though the bar was set so low to begin with.

But hey, at least the cash shop and BP are alive and well. That’s the one promised feature you managed to include for your so-called sequel. In the meantime, i want OW1 returned to me, thank you. I don’t want to play OW2. Ever.


Aaron, nobody believes a word you say any more. End of.

And the Switch port wasn’t a success because of it’s worse controls and graphics.
Mobile would have even worse controls and graphics.
Mobile OW will never happen.

Brother, lootboxes gave me an incredible amount of cosmetics, and all I had to do was level up and earn one. It felt like I was putting in work. This battle pass has given me LESS content for MORE work; some of the things I EARNED I can’t even use without paying. It feels meaningless!

Good god, I want lootboxes back! Its 2023, and I’m asking for lootboxes!

i hope it does i want more pr nightmares