Don’t count on it. It’s why I’ve stopped maining him and gone back to Reaper and Lucio
100% turret uptime…
Symmetra in the corner lmao. Ana is in the backburner for a few weeks and insta buffs
No one commenting on this doozy of a line?
Objective based maps as core gameplay, but lead thinks its pewpew deathmatch 24/7?
Where are the multiple Junk buffs you predicted Toast?
Worse… They didn’t promise no nerfs for tanks.
Again, we don’t know what the “top” really means.
Define what kind of skill curve by population. A normal pdf?
Deteriorated by repeat accounts and no 1:1 player:ranking correspondence?
Is individual skill progression a sigmoid-like ?
Noise rates? Mixing and boundary? No resets? Player flux?
so many flowcharts need to be walked through before you can even debate the L2P part of it.
to me, the top 1% should ABSOLUTELY NOT inform what the rest of get balanced with.
if i want epsilon-perfection i go with bots and lots of mined treeprops. i.e. how the game tree was locally solved up to some forcing depth. this is low complexity usually and has soft-solves that even pros could NEVER pull off.
if i want terrible play (i.e. even the top1% humans) then i look at ppl who dont math but play OW all day like it’s a job and “CrEaTeCoNtEnT”
if i want normieland play then i wait for one of your replay codes
I know reading isn’t your strong point but these aren’t the patch notes.
You’re kind of missing my point with all that. If it’s an L2P issue a hero would be strong when played by good players which shows that improving fixes the problems. When good players can’t make them work it’s the opposite of an L2P issue and simply a hero being underpowered.
The Ana buff is uncalled for. She is fine. What we need is a slight Brigitte buff. Shield bash needs it’s cooldown reduced by about 1 second and it should get a free recharge when using Rally.
lol no hero limit. Thats an instant flop. Nobody trying to get hit by double sombras. Two widows two hanzos. the list goes on. Soomeone back there must main 1 hero and hates getting locked out. Same person who couldnt hit shots and needed the projectiles size increase. Probably the same person who defended ana all this time
Yeah, but they’re easy to focus down. 2 Bastion 2 Bap 2 Furious, though…many lamps could be an issue.
Pretty sure the double Brig/Kiriko will take care of the Sombras.
Double Ana, Double Bastion, rotating turrets modes and Ana nades
Buffing DF and Mauga but not nerfing Tracer… It’s still going to be dive unless Mauga’s changes push him over the edge in which case, it will be Mauga comps OR DIVE.
There is no way it was more important to mention DF buffs over possible Sym buffs, there is absolutely no way Mauga’s buffs were more important and urgent to mention as well. Or even Tracer nerfs. Tracer needs a mobility rework/nerf, she is clearly overperforming, she has been busted all throughout the game’s history. Why were two of the most hated characters in the game prioritized like people are going to be excited to face more powerful Doomfists and Maugas, it’s literally anti-hype. Mentioning a Tracer nerf would have made people excited and hopeful for the patch.
I imagine Ball + 2 sombras/tracers +2 Moiras/Lucios after that patch
I scream
NGL This quicker Play: Hacked coming is a prime example of why we removed it in the first place. If it’s just a QP thing or Open Queue thing fine but in RQ it’s gonna be a mess.
Double Mercy ; )
Double Bastion ; )
Double Genji (double pocket) ; )
Double Ana (double sleep) ; )
Double Widow by GM’s would be terrifying.
And only one tank that gets tortured, real nice aaron
lol Double Mercy, finally killed one? The other can swoop in and rez her, then rezzed mercy can rez anyone else that went down in the meantime.