Director’s Take – Mixing Up the Meta in Midseason

Very excited to see it go to 15%. That means the team is aware its too much AND don’t want to over nerf it and as a tank player I 100% agree with this…

Yes tanking in S9 is painful but I don’t want to go back to S8.


Its something i thought would be done - the dps passive made the healing from the nade super low. I would have been ok with just healing increase.
I mean self nading if you’re hit by dps was just 48… thats absolutely nothing for such a long cooldown.

Surely with half the roster being patched sym will get something….

But knowing blizzard, it’ll be something like-

“We’re increasing her secondary fire damage to 120 and reducing her beams damage to 50/100/150, to further cement her identity as a mid range poke hero. We wanted to buff her play style but to make room for this in her power budget she needed compensation nerfs elsewhere.”


So nothing to fix the tank role? You all took the off tank role away from players then forced everybody to main tank but then gave us more CC, less healing received with the new passive, and then slowly remove any ability for tanks to have any kind of skill expression? I can’t play a single comp game without having to counter swap every 12 seconds and it’s not like that matters cause tracer just takes a rocket to horizon lunar colony and pelts you for .23 dmg and keeps the debuff up and by the time their team rounds the corner you’re only at half health. Tank ults now are more back to spawn buttons than ever before. I’m not saying they need to be like they were s1-3 but dudes…you’ve done nothing to sort tank queue times. I’m STILL waiting nearly 35-45 minutes just play cause the role is so miserable.


“Double trouble”

“Pick 2 of the same heroes on the DPS or Support role”


i don’t even care about the rest of it. don’t bring back hero stacking, even for a test.


No Mercy buffs? , amazing jokes ow team.


So what I do is I always try and come back to the fight with a full blossom so its about managing when the slow will kick in.

If you manage the slow properly and get back to the fight with a full 80 that can be literally game changing.


Illari not even mentioned?? No Mercy buff??


they only detailed the notable ones but are changing half the roster so we dont know yet

guess ana banana is a “notable” hero hehe


Yep! It will be an extra 10 at the start. I’m excited!

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OW Team definitely wants Mercy and Illari dead, there is no other reason, they are the worst currently supported and do not receive improvements.


This post stinks of having favourite heroes that most people play and need to always be top tier (looking at you Ana).

I don’t even play DPS and know that Junk and Sym are awful right now, unplayable even, due to the massive buffs to hitscan.

The fact they have singled out Ana is alarming.

You can also see that the top level execs have told the OW team to be bolder. Make bigger changes to bring people to the game. Whatever it takes, none of this buff soldier by 0.5damage. More like allow double picking of heroes.


It’ll be Lucio / Ana or Zen depending on buffs and nerfs. That’s how dive normally operates, one support dive enabler(Zen/Ana/mercy) and one support who goes with dive(Lucio normally)

Oh Ana buffs. That’s just what everyone needs…


Double Bastion and Mauga - the More Dakka comp


Giving me 5 Syms to create a teleport chain to point vibes :rofl:

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It better not just be Lifeweaver’s healing you’re touching… :skull:


One thing that sort of bugs me about these director takes is that there’s a balance patch every 4 weeks, and a blogpost every 2 weeks, so every other blog ends up being about balance. I like when he talks about other stuff too

One of the goals of the recent health increase was to soften some of the burst damage in the game. This is one of those effects that can be very difficult to tune just right, so we’re going to take a small step back in the next patch and lessen the healing reduction from 20% to 15%. We’ll keep an eye on it and go from there.

I’d rather they fix the counter spamming that actually makes tank unfun instead… 20% antihealing is nothing compared to being forced to either swap 4 times a match or play at a permanent disadvantage

With balance, we’re touching roughly half the heroes in the roster in this patch.

surely this includes nerfs for the hitscans and buffs for symmetra, right?

significant buff to Ana’s grenade

I was livid when I read this, then I saw it was to the healing so whatever

the reduced Damage role passive, we think both he and Mercy will be more reliable moving forward.

I think the bigger problem for mercy is soldier 76 and every similar hitscan having permanent tactical visor to take her out of the air now

Meteor Strike’s minimum damage will increase from 15

lol why on earth was it 15 to begin with?

Mauga is getting changes to his Cardiac Overdrive ability: its duration will decrease from 5 to 4 seconds, and its cooldown will decrease from 12 to 10 seconds. Additionally, it will fill his passive overhealth by 100. We want the ability to be more reliable and more consistently give Mauga additional survivability. Mauga will also receive a buff to his Overrun: the Stomp damage will increase from 45 to 60.

Encouraging fun aggressive mauga instead of boring sit in chokepoint mauga. nice

we have a small rework coming to our loveable-yet-deranged, hamster

hopefully it’s not like the “small rework” to pharah which took away most of the skill from the hero

I’d like to reiterate that we’ll be watching the game and listening to your feedback when these changes go live and react accordingly

reply to this post to prove it :no_mouth:

We’re also going to be running our next Quick Play: Hacked later this season. This one is called Double Trouble and it removes the one hero limitation in game.

Sounds fun for a weekend at least. Most of the problematic stack heroes are on tank anyway. Some stuff like chaining suzus or double soldier will be kind of annoying. I hope I can convince someone to run sombra duos and be a menace to the supports

Overall looking forward to this patch

It’s about 55 HPS prior to reload and assuming max charge. Nothing that particularly gags me here besides that you’ll reach your sweet spot for heals faster (or, rather, your sweet spot will have more healing and be around 65-70 hp rather than 55-60). I really hope they have more than what they just mentioned, which is sometimes the case for these. I really think just going in on his damage or utility is more useful in the long run