Very nice. Now do a full MMR reset and start everyone out from the bottom and this game will be playable, maybe even competitive, in 2 months.
They covered in the podcast why that would be a horrible idea.
What did they say?
I don’t remember all of it, and it’s weird that I can’t easily find a video of it.
Games would be bad for a while but I think after calibrations the matches would be way more balanced.
Here we go, somewhere in here
Honestly I think half of that issue is leavers and their replacements.
I remember a few games where I, a support/tank main with a taste for Ashe/Sym, filled in for a dps and ended up being the difference maker.
I don’t consider myself a good player, so me clapping the other team on dps implies that I shouldn’t have been in that game. And that wouldnt have happened if people weren’t little [bleeps] and took their licks.
i dont…
maybe im wrong here…but i associate him with the games current monetization
i dont like people losing jobs…but i havent exactly been fond of where the game has gone since he took on commercial lead/vp role
there is no stance because its worthless
use your gaming laptop
next question tony
Was gold getting dragged into Master lobbies a lot early in the season, but it’s become much more infrequent for me.
At this point they’ve made all the concrete changes to the matchmaker that they had previously announced. It seems like it’s just going to be a process of continual tuning at this point. I wouldn’t expect to see anything dramatically different than the way things are right now. Better matchmaking isn’t going to be felt as every individual game being more fun. Rather it’s about less frequent occurrences of the obviously broken matches.
They mentioned in the podcast that the next steps are to focus on essentially “Making sure GMs/Masters aren’t matched with Golds”.
Which is basically what I was talking about with using weighted MMR to do that.
They’re also absolute hypocrites.
Blizzard: We can’t do a MMR reset because it will be horrible for weeks on end with GM’s being matched with Bronze.
Also Blizzard: Smurfs aren’t a problem because the Matchmaker quickly moves them into the correct MMR/SR within a few games.
I think the biggest issue here is not matching players of different ranks but how MMR is calculated in general (assuming the people being matched have similar MMR). And the biggest clue for that is having so many one sided matches.
I honestly wish they would make it so there was like, different versions of the diamond / masters / etc titles. I use my diamond challenger title but I think that also gives people a lot of false hope when I’m playing damage .
Maybe make it so there is like, Diamond Support / Master’s Tank / Grand Master’s Damage etc? And if you meet a rank on all rolws give the more generic Diamond / master’s / etc title to those who earned it?
Might go along way with reducing the player perception of what is going on in their games vs what is actually happening?
Explain how I am getting paired with Low Plat/Diamond tanks in my Masters/GM games? Go back to 8-10 minute queues because these quick matches are absolute garbage.
can these developers be given the middle school course in statistics again please?
“how to label a chart” is taught to 10 year olds
The good news:
- AK communicating on semi-regular basis with the help of chatGPT.
- MM devs “intentions” are “good”, if not totally misplaced.
- JonSpector is leaving Blizz (he was redundant af).
The bad news:
- Devs are full coolaid.
- OPM shows they will place their studio and team before the players → the collab was because they were fans, not because we’re all fans or really care about OPM.
- They admitted they’re going all-in on rigging the MM for what feels good.
- They want more dials and more things to tune (fair rankings like ELO aren’t multi-year roadmaps with tons of dials and silly data to reinforce quality over raw competition).
- MM is going to start “feeling better”, but you will still never know your skill, making the entire laddering experience just as fake/rigged as before.
So basically some positives to distract from the meaningless ranks and convoluted mess that keeps Scott employed.
but then they go and attempt to unify the only important one (matchmaker params) across game modes
which just so obscenely stupid it’s like a whole new level of incompetence, given the ENTIRE point of the competitive queue is you wait longer for a better quality of game that is COMPETITIVE
it really does boggle the mind
Devs: Presents charts
Also Devs: Refuses to elaborate further