Director’s Take – Juno, Clash, and a Look Ahead to Midseason

Director’s Take – Juno, Clash, and a Look Ahead to Midseason

With Midseason just around the corner, Alec Dawson takes a moment to review how much Juno and the new game mode Clash has impacted the game.

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The new hero has been a blast to play and I love the new maps / game modes!


  1. Clash sucks, and it will take more than “a few tweaks” to make it worth to put it in comp… let it stay in QP, but not comp.

  2. Nerfing dva, but giving her more counterplay against beams sounds like it cancels each other out… not to mention the wrong changes to the tank passive, will drop the tank population down again.

  3. The collaboration sucks with only 4 skins, for 2 heroes who ALWAYS get skins, 1 recolor and one skin that feels kind of random.

  4. “Adjust Sombras invisibility duration”… dude… its INFINIT!


Clash needs to be banished to seasonal arcade mode. It can reappear once a year in the arcade like Lucioball. That would be the most effective fix.


Really enjoying Juno so far.

“As we progress further into the season, we’re going to let Juno sit in her current state for a bit and observe how some elements of her kit mature over time to see if additional changes are needed (for example, how allies play with her Ultimate).”

Thank you for keeping this in mind. Definitely noticed it’s sometimes better to just use it for myself since allies tend to not stand in it.

I saw the WoW+Overwatch trailer.

1 ) I expect a Torb voiceline that says “Keep Yer Feet on the Ground!”.

2 ) I expect a Goldshire Inn waiting lobby

3 ) If you want fast selling skins… Mageweave clothes for everyone.

4 ) Time for scrolls of enchant and armor sockets for heroes :stuck_out_tongue: