Director’s Take – A Designer’s Journey into Sombra’s Rework

Sombra can no longer control to not go into stealth unless she’s shooting and revealing herself and she can’t time her translocation mid air. That’s so bad


if you get hacked first and immediately hit with virus, that’s 75 damage in the 1.5 seconds you can’t suzu or tp. if you’re close you should barely be able to do 125 damage with the buffed gun but it’s gonna be close. all other supports get instakilled by the hack/virus combo but Kiri and Moira with their cleanses might barely live and be able to disengage, definitely a more even match up. That’s assuming that nobody on your team is shooting at them, if they do then goodbye Kiri lol.

But it definitely gets rid of Mercy/Lucio/Ana/Brig easily, Bap could maybe survive if he makes it through the 1.5 seconds of ability lockout.

But I guess Sombra will mainly just chain hack the tank anyway :skull:

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She can, 0.25 seconds means you can easily make sure it is still in flight.

as I said, I spend my time hunting them now, and I don’t have virus. so I think it will be ok.

Mostly I expect I’ll throw virus on her, and watch her burn Suzu :wink:

That is an exchange I’ll take every day :wink:

Which is what the streamers said they ended up having to do…

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No you can’t. You translocate after a set duration.


Stealth and hack seem very clunky, giving me day 1 Sombra vibes and I’m not feeling good about it.

Hack alone feels like it isn’t worth using if you cant use it during stealth and its even more punishing to use if you get shot and put in cooldown…


Yes, and if you throw it upwards, it will still be in fight in 0.25 seconds which is the set duration. And just like that you have teleported so you are in the air.

Isn’t hack faster and less clunky now?

Stealth is soooo bad. You lose all agency over the activation of stealth and they nerfed the speed again, which will feel like she’s running through quicksand again and increase her down time. Wtf is this rework :joy:


“frustrations playing against the character”

i hate that line since you can say that about every hero. they shouldnt balance or rework heroes because of that in my opinion. blizzard as a company has done that time and time again in world of warcraft, conform to the players constant complaints and it made the game blander and more dull

if i was a dev i just wouldnt listen lol


again, right now you have the opportunist passive where you do like 30% more damage to hacked targets, that’s gonna be removed. and I just looked it up, Suzu heals you for 70 when you cleanse a debuff (hack/virus), so most of the virus damage will be gone and the support pasisve might even activate for 10/15 healing on top of that. Kiriko will still be the hardest target for Sombra to kill no doubt, she has two tools to deal with Sombra despite the ability lockout duration. The other supports are not gonna be that lucky

It certainly will feel less frustrating to play against because you won’t play against it. Who wants to play this?


72m/s for 0.25s is 18m…

Doesn’t seem like that to me, not even close.

Why wouldn’t she try to kill a squishy with her 120 damage ability+ gun?

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Support would be knocked out for at least 2 seconds after virus goes away… it doesn’t activate for a couple of seconds where you are damaged.

If you just throw virus at her and force a Suzu burn, that is a win though.

Personally I like my changes of being able to drop Kiriko, because 1, hack form stealth is going to be quite a lot faster… since both coming out of stealth AND hack is quicker.

Secondly, the improved uzi is going to let me head shot more.

I think my chances are still good.

Sombra vs Mercy is going to RUIN mercy. She is going to be wrecked.

so not very far then…people are going to struggle to stay alive on her


Bro, I mean you can’t manually time it. If is using Bomb, you would throw the translocator at her, time the I-frames of the translocation to dodge the explosion and then hack her to cancel the remech.

you know that Kiriko does like 115 with a headshot and can teleport away right? burning suzu is like a third of Kiriko’s health/tools, it’s not gonna be that impactful considering you burned hack+virus+your surprise element+invis at that point, so basically all your tools while she just tps out safely lol

Because she starts feeding her brains out when the enemies just turn around and shoot her. Her escape tools seem way less reliable than Tracer or Genjis.


You could still, but it would be more tricky. if you throw it 0.25 seconds before the boom. You will be mid transport.

Yeah the timing will be harder, but, it doesn’t stop you doing it. You have more than 0.25 seconds before D’va pops.

NOW… getting it so you can land near Dva while doing it for the hack… that will be legit hard.

Yeah it way more difficult to time, that’s a big issue. They remove her agency over her own abilities


It is the landing near D’va for the hack I don’t think I’ll be able to pull.

You are going 18 meters. NO less, so you will have to be in a very particular spot to do that part.