Remember the mass rez days, when your Mercy would say this?
You wanna know what it really meant?
"Hey you. Yes, you! You see that objective over there? I’m gonna be honest with you here… it hasn’t been capped.
Wild, right? We’ve been doing our best to win by avoiding touching the point this whole time - hovering at the choke, duking it out way too deep in the enemy’s backline, or even just spamming damage from across the map. Turns out, that’s actually the exact opposite of what we should have been doing!
Check it out… I went and looked it up on a wiki, and I think I’ve figured out the secret of capping the point! It’s a several step process, so bear with me here:
- Stand on the point
- Fight on the point until all enemies are dead
- Watch the capture bar fill up
- Victory!
Okay, okay, I know what you’re gonna say: “But the point is where the enemies are! If I go there, I might get killed!”
Not to worry, my indecisive friend! I have
your security blanketthe answer to your problems right here!I CAN REZ YOU IF YOU DIE.
So take a deep breath, gather your courage, and take that objective by getting on it and then fighting the enemy, instead of spending the whole match doing it the other way around!
It’s gonna be okay. Don’t be afraid. I’ll be right here to pick you up if you die in the proccess.
So get on the godamm point already."
So please. Quit using the “die on point, I have rez” quote to support conspiracy theories that Mercy players somehow wanted their team to die for their own personal glory. They said it to try and boot their timid teammates onto the point instead of hovering at the choke all match.