Didn't receive Overwatch League Skins

I know for a fact that I’ve watched more than 30 hours and I’ve even gotten 23 hours worth of tokens, but I’ve only gotten nine hours worth of skins fix the game blizzard

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Same I got to 21 hours just to get Reinhardt but mine stopped at hanzo and I’m pissed

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I got some overwatch league skins 2 weeks ago but didnt get all from each level i reach, not even today.

It’s the 18th and I still don’t have any of the drops I supposedly “earned”. :sob:

Not going to bother watching in the future if this is the case tbh

Thought the skins would be awarded after Nov 15th but still no skins. Kind of a waste of time considering I watched when I was sick and I KNOW I watched long enough.


So when are we getting the skins…

I’ve been wondering that myself. :sob:

At this point I feel like the skins are a myth. It’s been a week since we were supposed to get the skins.

Sad that a massive corporation like Blizzard if failing this hard. Still no league tokens, no grand finals skins, nothing… I know I watched more than enough to get the max rewards too.

I had some skins pre update from when i played back in the day and then after the update came out it took them away

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i didn´t got my skins as well, but the tokens i receve it.
only missing the skins.
Is there any method to contact them to receive

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I only got 60 tokens and skins up to the bastion bundle even though I watched all the matches after the first day

I’ve watched every single hour that I could and I know for a fact it was more than 30 so I don’t know why more of my skins aren’t showing for some reason

Same problem as everybody else… I watched all matchs and encores on youtube and didn’t receive any skin nor league tokens

I watched everything, even the reruns of the livestreams and I have yet to receive a single token, skin, or any cosmetic. The only thing I’ve received was the pulse pistol banner, which only ensures that I in fact did have my blizzard account connected to my Youtube. Meaning, this is a problem on Blizzard’s end, not mine.

The same happened to me. Does anyone know if there has been any official word on this?

I didn’t watch all of it but there I don’t have the Mei Hanzo and Mercy Skins, zhulong pic, the grand finals spray, or any of the OWL grand finals rewards besides the pulse namecard pls or any league coins but I got the 9 hour rewards and the 3 hour rewards :skull:


Unfortunately they’ve said nothing here.

One of the other related threads noted comments Blizzard and YouTube have made on Twitter acknowledging an issue with the playoffs/grand finals drops.

I think some have gotten comments from support folk saying a fix might not come until next season (which starts in about a week), and that they may be doing some kind of “manual” fix for it.

But…It’s not a good sign for the game that they’re not saying anything on their own official boards (here) and it’s dragging this long. I really hope they’re not just hoping they can largely ignore it and people will forget about it.


They’re definetly hoping to ignore it and not mention it ever again LMAO