Didn't receive end of season 9 competitive rewards

I ended with plat for both damage and tank role, diamond rank for support role, after the new update, I logged on, the screen that greeted me after I logged in only showed me that I was granted the diamond role challenger title for the season 9 rewards. But I wasn’t granted my competitive points for playing in season 9. What is going on?


I have the same issue,unfortunately for multiple seasons now. At first I thought that I was not eligible for rewards because I havent played enough ranked games, but I was diamond and played over 30 games in each role and still havent received the competetive points needed for weapons. :frowning:

Instead of earning the points at the end of the season like it SHOULD be, you no longer get your points at the end of season. Instead you have to earn those points a SECOND time. You now have to play 30 games THIS season and you will get those competitive points 100 at a time every 30 games…