Got Diamond Open Que and Plat support, but didnt get either title for last season, anyone else having this issue?
Same here. I got Grandmaster Support and they didn’t give me mine either.
It’s been a known issue since yesterday.(and last season too, didn’t get mine last season and this season either) Nobody seems to have gotten it and Blizzard is aware and of it. They made a post about it on Known issues at the top.
Same problem! Thanks for posting glad Im not crazy
everyone seems to be posting about this so hoping theres no need to individually file a support ticket. also worth noting the “no title” option is locked once again too, we’re literally taking steps backwards
Same, I got top 500 on deathmatch last season, but received rewards for diamond, also didn’t receive my role queue masters title
Same im top500 in role queue and did not get my title that’s sad after all the grinding
I also did not get my Diamond or Plat titles for the last season
Same problem here… Reached plat and no title reward
It’s not just the previous season, I’m missing my Top 500 CTF Title
Please investigate why some players are not receiving Season 4 Competitive Points. I finished grandmaster in both DPS and Healer roles but didn’t get my competitive points.
Can someone tell me why my end season was gm5 it dropped me down to m1 even though I didn’t play comp and just wanted to stay gm5 then went m1 on season 5 launch plus didn’t get my comp point and no title wasn’t this a glitch last season why has it still not been fixed?
I also didn’t get mine which is aggravating. I hit plat open queue and role queue and didn’t get either title
Same for me. Im grandmaster last season but I didn’t receive the title.
this has been a known issue for more than 1 season, they aren’t doing anything.
Yeah season 4 I ended Master 2 in role queue again, but now I have no titles. Not even my title for Master in open queue as well. Hope I get these back
Same didnt recieved my gm 4 title for season 4 every title is locked, hopefully they fix it.
Dmgerscriptx #2500 my tag
Yup, same here. Got Masters in DPS and no title to prove it
It’s not just season 4. I have 0 rank title, not even plat. Also realized never got my top 500 competitive CTF title.