Did you like Mei as a Tank from April ExC?

This is a good enough point that I change my mind about Mei being a tank. I know how the kiddies deal with “problems”, that’s exactly what will happen… if they can’t spam the space bar and randomly fire to get out of a jam then it’s “unfun” :roll_eyes:


For me, it kinda backfired since I was apathetic about Tank Mei before, but I had a lot of fun playing it on the Exp and now I’m all in favour.

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She’s a sitting duck while in cryo, easy for enemies to kill her and get a lot of ult charge as she goes out of it. If anything, her ice block needs buffs (i.e debuff / cc for enemies around it and a damage reduction / small heal for teammates and more ammo + healthpool recovery). Or just completely reworked. It’s a garbage ability for a character who is supposed to become a tank. As for icicles, I doubt they will nerf the damage less than 70 without some serios buffs / reverts to her primary

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There is a few reasons that I loved Mei as a tank.

  1. is she no longer creates 3 sudo tank comps as she has extreme durability and space making tools.

  2. I think her kit fits tanks way better. Wall is good for sponging damage and block is too. Primary fire is good for space making and her ult is basically a tank ult.

  3. she adds something to the tank role we have been sorely lacking, skill based ranged countering. If you can lands shots with her alternate fire? Phara and other range/air threats now have something to be scared of on tank.

The last point is my largest one. I saw a quote from the Devs that they wouldn’t let her go over as is due to the damage and it’s range. I personally think that having a ranged tank is nothing awful and would be useful.

Our hope of having a range tank got sapped when I saw that the rail gun got taken by ANOTHER dps when it would be more useful on a tank. Tanks have always had a hard time pressuring and fighting back against longer range comps or flying threats and by all accounts they should.

But there is a massive difference between being shut-down by, and being pressured by a comp.

So long story short, yes I miss her on tank for many and various reasons and was VERY sad to see her go.

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i mean yes, but i can’t think of any other non-jetpack hero who shouldn’t be able to die if they were being focused by enough enemies, or are too close to a single dangerous enemy. A zarya with bubble, take-a-breather hog, fortify orisa, etc. All of them would also die in the same situation as an out of position mei imo. i just felt that current ice block on a hero with like 400 hp was broken during the ExC

i would be down for some teammate utility/buffs on iceblock. no idea which ones tho. im not a fan of the ones you listed i just don’t think they could be balanced

i wouldn’t mind 70 damage icicles, but i just know whiners would complain a ton about a tank being able to deal 140 damage crits and blizaard would eventually give in and nerf it. as long as mei doesn’t get damage fall off i don’t really care about her damage output it’s her CC abilities that will ultimately define her

Honestly it showed she was good off tank but a bit too powerful so honestly bring the buffs to make her tank like just hp and size increase and nerf her secondary fire damage then she might be good to go

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My opinion it is the damage cause technically her kit is designed as the tanks job to create space

Everyday i wish for Mei in tank role to become reality… Specially if they inted to make them all more “brawly”, as said. Regardless, we need more tanks and Mei feels and could be a tank just as much if not more than Roadhog is.

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In my opinion, her height (5,3) doesn’t fit to be a tank. I prefer her to be a support instead but I don’t know to be honest. Unless they rework her kit in a different way without ice wall and cryo freeze.

She has less raw firepower than a Mercy at 97DPS.

Meanwhile Roadhog and Zarya exist.
And Orisa is putting 134DPS down range.
And Sigma is routinely matching Zarya for overall damage numbers per round. With 110 damage per volley.

Well, if you ask personal opinion I would say I’m not a big fan of this change…

Mei as a character is like a lot defense heroes in the way she traps enemies punishing them for their push.

Her ice wall is more of a trap than a protection considering it blocks both sides and has very low hp, her freeze is more deadly than a pressure considering it leads to a one shot combo rather than a tool for pressure and her cryo freeze pretty much takes her out of the fight, something a tank would never do.

The only real tanky thing about her is her ult which usually works more as a zoning tool than a kill tool but I guess most defense heroes ultimates are about standing your ground like a tank rather than chasing a kill (molten core,B.O.B,infra sight, dragon strike etc… all can only kill enemies who don’t go back)

Either way, a beam based dps is super unique and useful, and actually gives a new form to do damage. Symmetra is nice and all but having only one dps that works like that is a big shame… Especially when heroes like D.va have such a big weakness to beams.

So overall my personal opinion alone is leaving her as a dps and instead using the resources to actually add new tanks and fix the ones we have in the right way.

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Dunno what’s the deal with people’s fascination with Tank character model size.

Deliberately bodyblocking damage is not a common tactic, and usually viewed as soft-throwing.

If a Roadhog is face-tanking up Junkrat grenades like candy, and your team then gets annihilated by a RipTire. That’s not a good thing.

Additionally, both Paladins, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and Heroes of the Storm have dwarves as Tanks.

Interesting… but I still don’t know about this. Just saying. :slight_smile:

I liked everything about it except how ridiculous she looked when she was bigger than the other DPS heroes. Kind of like giant vampire woman from Resident Evil. But I know some people have a thing for giant women.