Did you like Mei as a Tank from April ExC?

Thinking about using this for ref on the upcoming AMA when bringing up Sym.

But due to how chaotic everything currently is, (literally could make a list) want to regather everyone’s opinion on the closest role rework we have actually seen since…

Even though it was likely a joke and could have been better.


She wasnt perfect but it was cool


Nope felt she was lacking especially when it came to pushing other tanks to make space. I rather she stay in the dps role.

Some people believe if she was a tank then she can get buffs, but I think people would cry foul when the first Tank Mei meta hits and then she will be gutted and gets to keep Orisa company.

If Mei becomes a tank she needs be a proper tank.


Not really, she felt very off as a tank. As well as struggled to be a main tank or an off tank.

I would not mind Mei being a tank, just not without a rework.


Again it was not a serious rework attempt

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I think mei as a dps is fine (putting aside my hate for people who hold m1 on me while their team shoots at me)

though as a tank I think it could be cool
one Idea i have for that (not perfect so she could be too strong/weak like this)
buff her hp to 350 and give her 100 shield hp
total 450
for her shift make it so she turns blue or something and gains 200-250 temporary armor or something
keep her wall as is but give it 2 more pillars
reduce its cooldown
for her fire remove alt fire and she can no longer freeze but she really slows people down

that’s just a random idea I had
is it perfect?
probably not
is it an idea?
oh also buff the damage on her beam and ammo



People who think mei functions like a tank understand neither the tank role, nor how overwatch functions.


Maybe you’re just not good with Mei cause I tank better with Mei than my tanks… on live servers.

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No. She’d need more of her kit reworked to function as an actual tank.

It felt a bit odd, but I understand it wasn’t a full on rework, rather it was done for fun. Maybe with some tweaking it could work?

I say what I said playing as mei and facing enemy mei. She was not a threat and I was more worried about the actual tanks. I had no trouble killing Mei while playing a slew of dps and tanks.

People dont seem to understand the difference between novelty, and actual balance.

Tank mei might have worked during that joke patch, because nothing worked during that joke patch.

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Not really.

I felt like my team was at a pretty marginal disadvantage whenever we had a Mei, but the other side had two of the actual tanks.


personally i would love it, was having a blast when that x-card hit since all i did was just play mei. won tons of games actually go figure. my mmr is probably low so i dont know what she would be like in the higher calibur of ranking and tanks.

i just know i had a blast tho and i wouldnt mind if they pushed that change forward :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

she probably get nerfed or reworked somehow so that would suck, lose her identity and maybe even end up worse than before so there is always that side of the coin

People are going to be biased against it because the devs made very little changes to Mei in the tank role. She needed much more than 400hp and a bigger hitbox lol

Tank Mei as a concept felt fine. She definitely needed more work.


Meanwhile: a certain member from Tiger King just informed Houston what to do if they encounter a Tiger…

Honestly saw BBC take interest… have not seen much else from other news channels.

Any dps or support can be reworked into a tank, does not mean that is a good idea.

Take that mei rework, and make that a new tank, leaving mei where she is.

Stop trying to butcher mei just because she froze you that one time.

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Honestly it felt much better than as a DPS. If they do a proper rework for her, then she could be a really great tank.

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She should get a Tank Role but it’d need to be with a rework. Her tools have always been good at denying space or stalling, but never really for pushing. That’s mostly because her structures can easily be disrespected (nice wall ya got there, sure would be a shame if we could just stand on top of it and use it as portable high ground fufufufu).

The other part is her weapon would need a revamp because it feels very Sym-Level-"Support"ish instead of an actual threat by itself against a whole team. Bonus sad-points because her DPS is so low that she’s not breaking through barriers/defenses like the other Tanks can.

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As a joke, yes.

For real? Absolutely not. I love her, out sniping a widow across the map feels incredible. But people already abuse her utility by just holding m1 down all game. It makes the game miserable, especially for tanks, it’s a very poor show of skill expression.

Having a mei with an extra what, 150HP doing the exact same thing was just a nightmare. Her image problem already stems from that kind of gameplay, I don’t know how people who already dislike her would want to vs a tankier version of herself hahaha.

I honestly wish they’d implement something like diminishing returns on her freeze. I.e if she tries to consecutively freeze the same target(s) it will take longer and longer and longer to actually achieve a freeze.

I don’t wanna come off as a skill elitist here but like it’s just lazy. Incentivising players to put in way less effort than their enemies to yield similar results just sucks. It’s why I’ll forever despise mccree as a character as long as flash & fan work so well together (especially after he got multiple buffs that made a brain dead combo both easier to get and more forgiving).

I don’t think many people would agree with me, but channeling some of mei’s strength into her right click would feel sweet to me. I.e the diminishing returns nerf in exchange for her icicles shooting faster (removing some of that icicle charging lag before it fires). Because right now, mccree is just a better version than her from an offensive standpoint. And whilst he may not have the utility she has with wall and ice block, being able to churn out 600 damage in less than 2 seconds kinda makes up for that.

But yeah, ultimately I think making mei a tank without making changes to her left click is just a recipe for breeding a tonne of more hate for the character. It just saddens me that she mostly only becomes meta during rush where she can just spam m1 on enemies with a lucio, rein and zarya to back her up.

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