Did you like Mei as a Tank from April ExC?

I was hoping they would have deleted the useless hero tbh.

Does Reaper have a CC primary fire, CC E ability, and CC ult?

Does he get ran as a third tank in OWL comps?

No?..he’s a close ranged shotgun DPS?..oh…ok


Sym is a short-ranged hero, can self-heal through shield regen, provides an actual shield in combat. Clearly sym is the one that should be a tank.

Doomfist has just as much CC as mei, is he a tank?

Dva and orisa dont have CC ults, I guess they are not tanks.

Doom kind of is played like a tank. A very lethal, but squsihy tank. You could easily make a tank out of his kit though.

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Fine, make doom a tank, leave mei alone.


I would if I could, Disco, I truly would.

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She was a worse Tank than Orisa - and Orisa is terrible right now. Tank-Mei was hard-countered by the W key.

Now I’m excited to see the OW2 Mei Tank rework just bc you’re being intentionally obtuse

:slight_smile: Have fun with it!


Spoken like someone who knows nothing about being a tank. Every element of meis kit is designed as a tank.

  • Primary is cc that forces people to respect a distance

  • has a wall which is arguably the best tank ability in the game. It mitigates damage, seperate enemies. It lets you zone the map to how ever you see fit.

  • cryo is basically a stationary but indestructible hog breather.

  • and her ult is again one of the best zoning ults in the game.

When Mei is meta it’s not as a dps. It’s as a third tank. Her kit is better designed for tanking than some tanks we actually have. She just needs to be properly buffed in ways that allows her to effectively apply pressure. Which is 100% doable


Not really. Rein still ended up being far more useful than she was. She didn’t function too well as a tank.

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Please no. To neither of these.

She would still have needed a lot of changes to really be a viable tank. With the exp card abilities, she wouldn’t make a good tank IMO.

Didn’t like it even if it was an April Fools thing. Mei’s fine as a dps.

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I don’t. People get the idea of “wall and blizzard are area denial so just make her bigger and more health = tank” she needs more to be a tank

Okay, then give her more. Whatever. She is more of a tank than Hog or Zarya, if you ask me. She just needs the stats to back it up.

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You think mei is more of a tank than zarya? I understand the argument for hog but zarya? How

Oh absolutely, I loved her as a Tank.

Was it perfectly polished? Ofcoarse not, there would be alot of number tweaking and maybe even an Alt-Fire rework so that a Tank won’t snipe you across the map… but other than that, Mei as a Tank could not only absolutely work, but it would be an incredibly refreshing take on a Tank in this game.

They literally said that they wanted Tanks in OW2 to be more Dps-like… which, just sounds like what Mei would be if she were a Tank. So… I think it’s highly likely she’ll turn into one.


I think the cc on her beam is more supportive in nature. The wall is more protective to teams than projected. Her invulnerability is more damage mitigation than self bubble. Her ultimate creates more space whereas Zarya’s is more directly assisting kills.

It isn’t like by a landslide. I just think if this were a MOBA, ain’t nobody would get it twisted.

Actually yes, she was better tanks than hog for example

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This forum is full of people who dont play mei, nor tanks, and somehow think mei should be a tank.

I think they just want mei changed from how she is now, and are too cowardly to outright admit it.

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