Did we learn nothing from Reaper?

We recently had this happen…

Blizzard: (buffs lifesteal)
Community: This is going to be overpowered.
Reaper: (proceeds to be OP)
Blizzard: “A recent change that increased Reaper’s healing while he dealt damage was a bit too strong, sometimes making opponents feel like Reaper was unstoppable.”

And now it’s happening again…

Blizzard: (gives McCree a machine gun)
Community: This is going to be overpowered.
McCree: (proceeds to be OP)
Blizzard: :man_shrugging:

Are we seriously going to push another obviously ludicrous buff to live only for it to ruin games until it inevitably gets tuned down? Did we learn nothing from vampire Reaper/moth meta/ironclad Bastion/etc.?

EDIT 18/6: Looks like this is going live today. Thanks for completely ignoring the community feedback on this, Blizzard.

EDIT 20/6: Even Seagull thinks this buff is ridiculous; see video below. Wakey wakey, Blizzard.


the fire rate buff is great for him but even bigger is the reduction in screen shake and recoil. that’s the reason why playing hitscan in paladins is a lot easier.

we’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out


Reaper has never been OP. Just like Symmetra has never been OP.

No offense but lower elos need to get good and learn how to counter and aim. That’s factual.

Game shouldn’t be balanced for the bottom.


It’s the classical blizz balancing, either they buff something to insane level or they nerf it to oblivion. Then after 6-12 months they look at it again and do what people told them do before anything happened.


I think Reaper is pretty fine, where is right now.


Across all ranks he is in the middle.


Seems that you forgot about Reaper though.
Let me remind you that he went from 30 to 50 and then adjusted to 40.
So no, not OP, just a bit overtuned.


How are they going to tone it down. A ~45 delay instead? Rofl. I have a feeling we are stuck with it, fam.

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Bastion mains were complaining about the ironclad overbuff but no one listened to us back then…


This is a stupid notion, and very mythical.

Having OP heroes in low ranks just means you end up playing a different game, and you get boosted whatever mains who can climb easily to say, High Plat/Low Diamond, then cannot function beyond that rank. And, should they decide to switch at that point; lack anything like the capability required to play at that level on other heroes and just become a burden. It’s basically just a trap situation.

I mean, higher ranks complained endlessly about exactly this when Mercy players were over-stepping their abilities because Mercy was so OP.

It’s not like the Reaper players need to learn those things about aiming and countering themselves; because his being so strong just brute forced through those player inadequacies. So why is it okay for the Reaper player, but not those they’re up against?

There does need to be a semblance of thought to balance at lower ranks, if only to keep some degree of consistency within the game for players who can climb, and consistency within skills at those ranks.


LMAO. There are no OP heroes in low ranks. Just bad players that need to get good.

There is consistency. The player will climb with Reaper until he/she reaches a certain plateau and then the moment, the person reaches decent ranks he/she will get destroyed as Reaper. Than he/she will either adapt or go back to low elo.

There are no OP heroes in low elo. Just bad players. Learn to play properly, learn composition, counter, aim etc.

Reaper has never been Op.


Except he literally has, which is why he was dialled back. Why shouldn’t said Reaper have to learn to counter, aim, composition etc. This is the point; he was able to brute force all those things. You’re arguing players should get better, meanwhile giving them a hero that ignores getting better. It makes no sense.


He was dialed back because Blizzard caved into the lower elo crowd. This game has become more and more casual to the point it’s more like a moba than the real FPS it’s supposed to be. Now they gonna prolly nerf Widowmaker next. Cause people can’t deal with her and learn how to aim. Let’s make the game even more casual, lol.

People keep crying to nerf heroes that they can’t deal with it instead of learning. Reaper gets McCreed easy = flashbang + right click = dead Reaper every time. Don’t even need to aim. Just flash.


No one ever listens to Bastion mains. The biggest non-Mercy thread is about just this.


I listened. It is just that I cannot do anything about Blizzard’s decisions. If I could, McCree would have no fall off.

“Reaper has never been OP”

yeah okay buddy you keep telling yourself that as I see him 1v5 people all damn day. The game needs to be balanced for the BULK of players, not the top few.


It is pretty clear they mean at respectable ranks and they are objectively correct. It is literally not even up to debate unless you want to spin beyblade as him being overpowered somehow.

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as a a full blown noob to the game with just over a 24 hours on Dva and slightly less on Orisa (my first full season) and a lowly dirty bronze player…i hate reaper that is all


That is not a problem at all. There is a difference between disliking a match-up and calling the character broken. You are reasonable as far as I am concerned, as you can make that distinction.

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Consistency of play, and countering it seems.

Recent buffs usually make these underpowered heroes too strong in certain situations like when enemies refuse to switch.

Like Mcree weakness isnt his damage, more like his falloff range and low mobility. Compared to widow that is…

But Blizzard isnt really up to making all heroes similar, reducing hard counters. That is too much change to the game I guess.

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His winrate is not even 50% bronze - gold

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