Did the Timeout for AFK change?

I just kicked from a match, even thou I was way outside the spawn room. Its almost like the trigger to turn AFK is to be on the objective.

Anyone notice this?


In QP/Comp I think you have to actually deal damage too. Someone can correct me, though.


Huh, I see!

This was 6v6, so I bet that no damage rule applies. Damn! Thanks :+1:

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Yeah despite being in arcade I believe 6v6 still counts as QP/unranked.

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The fact that the even have the stupid leave spawn and shoot mechanic in the game is so dumb. If you give 20 minute penalties for leaving games, at least make the afk kicker less restrictive.

Not only do I barely not make it out of spawn, but I’m also given a 5 minute penalty just because I didn’t have the frames to find my way to the door.


That’s about it

You need to be active and remain effective in some way to not trigger an AFK flag

In my experience it’s progressive. The first AFK warning just requires you to get out of spawn, but if it happens again within the same game, it’ll ask you to actually engage in combat.

It does. Moreover, its location in the Arcade is purely nominal/cosmetic, because it doesn’t fulfill any of the strictly arcade challenges.

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I absolutely hate the stupid inactive kick. Worst is when it takes over 10 seconds just to fully exit the spawn. These guys are so stupid it’s unbelievable


Something is off, I just got my first suspension(?) after playing this game for eight years from being backfilled and not being able to escape the spawn room in time. This was in 6v6 arcade.


overwatch 2 optimization was very bad for more than a year, when i enter a match the game didnt load properly so i was stuck on the loading screen or character selection screen, not even 30 seconds of inactivity after match start and you are already bein kicked out the game, but for no real reason stupid spawn rooms are so big (f flashpoint stupid big maps with respawn rooms the size of a call of duty map) the moment you pick a character and try to run the door you are penalized already

I don’t think it’s progressive - rather that there are 2 timers. The AFK timer and the “do damage” timer. The afk alert starts after around 30 seconds of inactivity (whether in spawn or not). The damage alert after doing no damage for 2m or 2m30s.

This is superstition. My teammates actively refuse to do damage and have never been kicked. This is fake news.
