Did Symmetra really need to be nerfed?

im mid diamond masters peak, she has a spammy secondary fire, turrets that auto aim, and its not like she is ever close enough to use primary, and her only good utility in her teleporter is one of the easiest things to do in the game for how much value it can get, even though its about ALL the value she gets


Unfortunately my comment does not change

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well then wave the white flag if you dont have a counter argument to any of that

No one except sym players want it.

She’s an annoying character, regardless of how bad she is, she makes the game unfun.


Actually sym’s whole kit was already nerfed by 20% or more during double barrier. The only thing they gave her in return was giving like a 16% damage increase to her secondary and they just took that away. So no they aren’t trying to balance Symmetra in any legit way because she was a trashcan before all these nerfs in the first place and needed buffs and fixes now she isn;t even playable.



i.e. there’s nothing that justifies their sniper-like charge time.

there’s no consistency nor range for the charge time burst (the reason behind why snipers in general have low fire rate). there’s no higher firerate to cover a meaningful area like pharah or junk rate projectiles can. it’s just the cons of all of them.


legit the only buff was the bugfix. they nerfed primary down to rectify which I can take if they didn’t also nerf turret dps, wall duration, wall hp, and most importantly, if they didn’t persist with the :put_litter_in_its_place: infinite tp that spiked up the down time of her core engagement, disengagement and burst-combo-enabling all-in-one tool.


I mean without the charge time they’d be a primary fire not a secondary

In the long term: Yes
Getting back to consistency and the 120/80 threshold is good

  1. given how situational sym’s primary fire is (and will always be unless sym gets reworked into a tank as shown by zarya), the orbs ARE realistically the “primary fire” here
  2. I’m saying they either need much more projectile speed so that they’re aimed midranged projectiles, or their charge time is reduced to actually be a spam area denial weapon fire. atm it’s neither aimed nor spam and it shows. PERSONALLY and I think the most logical way forward is the aimed mid-ranged projectile route.

Sym wasn’t part of powercreep at all.

no they weren’t. they made sense power creep wise since everything was and is being toned down BUT she should’ve got some compensation for it. like alt fire not needing to be charged since theyre so slow or more than 1 tele charge

Sym was literally the reverse of powercreep. She was the most nerfed hero the whole year before the changes

It was probably a mix of a token change meant to shut up people, and to not let the OWL use her as more that that a taxibot.

People will see the worst and most nerfed dps in the game get more nerfs and say its fine because it became acceptable to scapegoat their player mistakes on her, even if she is braindead easy to kill and counter.

It was a set of “general” nerfs that only affected about 1/4 of the roster. When you do that, you just make that subset underpowered.

But most of the heroes nerfed aren’t bad

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Well, Ashe needed it, but the rest kinda are. Junkrat and Pharah were already in bad shape, for instance.

They’re not bad though, both are pretty strong on the maps that they’re strong, they’re not tracer but they’re still average or above

To be honest i don’t advocate for nerfs (i would in case of overbuffed Genji but fortunately i dropped the game for a bit before all that mess) but i remember Sym beign in every game and snowballing every game just by pressing W+M1 (2cp maps especially). That’s the worst time i had forever in this game because it showed how disorganized and ugly is to play in those ranks. Those buffs destroyed mid and low ranks.

Blizzard did so much confusion with sym it’s crazy. They should just make her a support again or find a way to buff her without breaking the game

I mean even before the nerfs I regarded both as being too bad to play, even in gold.

I wish she just had headshot damage with her laser. (and maybe some for her orbs too if it hit’s the headbox). How do you not die to an orb to the face?

And with her current damage numbers it would work well.