Did mercy change voice actors or something?

In her voice lines, and in uprising/normal gameplay, her voice and accent sounds lighter; meanwhile, in storm rising her accent sounds WAY heavier

Anyone feel this way or just me?

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It’s still Lucy Pohl, as it has always been.


Still Lucie. And it sounds like Lucie.

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Still, every time she interacts with another character in storm rising her voice just feels so different


Honestly, Mercy’s voice has always been inconsistent. Her accent goes from barely there to full “what did you say?” between each line added to the game.


Couldn’t have said it better. When I was watching game play of the mission I literally had to rewind to understand what mercy was saying

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The only time Mercy has been voiced twice was beta and release.

Not sure of the name of the first woman, though. Can’t find it…

Its probably stronger in the cinematics because you have your undivided attention to it, in game you need the extra clarity to better understand her. Thats what i think.