Did junk rat really need that buff?

I’m not sure if he did. He seemed to have been above in the middle of the pack of picks for the last month. I don’t know what stats they’re considering to make them concerned. I’m also not so sure why they want his gameplay to be centered around that aspect of the kit that a lot of people don’t like. Who knows.

He wasn’t good no matter what y’all think so is why he got 110 back.

Ain’t anything different with Hanzo and Widow having a one shot getting constant kills over Junkrat overall. How easy they get kills.
Cry about it

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I’m not totally convinced he needed it.

He could still confirm kills with primary+mine on over half the hero roster without any kind of damage boost or missing HP, it just took aiming mine well. Now it’ll just be easier. Lowering the skill floor on a hero that already has a low skill floor? Idk :man_shrugging:

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Poor Junkrat mains having to aim his mine. The horror.

Sorry but where did this become a Widow/Hanzo complaint post?

We’re talking about Junkrats mine damage, and at 120 it was too high. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about and/or has a bias towards Junkrat. Anyone could pick Junk up, M1 at enemies and throw a mine in their general direction for an easy kill with 120. Not hard at all

Play Kiriko and Zen so where I have bias for Junkrat. Who cry about his 120 mine when it’s not hard to avoid plus fall off needs to get better. Pick up Junk and get to top 500 only using him. If not stop talking

at least widow requires aim to one shot

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Sorry, didn’t know you were on console, I’ve seen from a few pals how bad that is with Ximmers lmao

Not much, I can play both, I just hate playing snipers in this game, the game isn’t as fun as it might seem like.

I’ve won multiple games that were L-centered just by one-shotting 2 people that were snipers themselves. She doesn’t take much skills than most heroes, it’s honestly much easier to land shots on widow than those stupid slow nades at long range. Junkrat requires timing detonation and projectile prediction skills that, you don’t really need much on widow. It’s pretty dang easy to hold Valorant-style head level for kills and get value off of it.

I’ve seen real good people countering my rat style, and it’s mostly Hanzo one-shots or Soldier/Cass pockets unmirrored. Pharah are absolutely nothing to deal with unless they’re like masters+. My avg accuracy is usually somewhere around 30-40%, with games were I don’t do poop around 20-30%. Usually speaking, my direct hit accuracy is between 1 to 10% lower than aim accuracy. Your average rat in metal ranks probably hit 20-25% on spam and doesn’t have much direct hit accuracy.

I have more heroes in my pocket that I’ve learned over the 7 years, but I decided to go -all-in on my longtime main as a one-trick last season, it paid off considering he was on an objectively terrible patch for him in general.

Junkrat needs aim to so?


Imo he did not need to be doing any more damage than he already was… But I’ve disliked junkrat so strongly I learnt how to play around him so it doesn’t bother me all too much

Look I don’t like Junkrat by any means - I actually quite hate everything about him. I hate that he knocks you around, I hate that most of what he does, does high amounts of damage, I hate his voice - all of it.

But acting like he has crutches when he doesn’t, when he can be shut down by supports, tanks, and DPS alike…I have to disagree. When heroes like Cass, Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, Kiriko, Ana, even Zen are all popular supports, he’s quite bad.

Is this the right buff for him? Probably not, because this is just gonna suck for lower ranks more. I’d have rather they just undo their dumb nerf.

I also think this isn’t going to help him that much because Widow needs to be gutted for anyone else to be viable (outside of OWL, anyways) really.

Or, bear with me, they could buff the actual bad part of his kit, his criminally low projectile velocity and insanely high projectile gravity. Having an artificially limited 15 meter range is why Jakerat is garbo, because if he can’t cheap shot you at close range he’s functionally useless.

Raise his skill ceiling, don’t lower his skill floor.

ps, member when Blizzard said Jakerat needed conc mines for mobility and they are literally never used that way?

Then he’s a sitting duck and he’s D E A D. Punish him.

What if, and again, bear with me, Junkrat didn’t need to two-tap you with conc mines because he could actually use his primary fire effectively?

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Well that’s the only way he gets kills to begin with in high ranks, all hitscans and flying characters will trash him before he even gets near due to his predictable movement, so he needs his kill combo to be effective.

And this is a Mercy main talking, if we’re going to pin it on who plays what for some reason like that’s a actual argument…

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Not surprised at the number of people crying about the partial revert.

Bottom line is he wasnt viable at all in top ranks. Proof: Top 500 representation crashed 75% from a point that was already below average pre nerf. He was fighting with Reaper and Bastion for least played and on some regions had already taken that spot. He was even lower than Lifeweaver

He was trash, there was no reason to ever play him outside of Lijiang control and frankly needed the nerf fully reverting. Every single person claiming he was A/B tier in gm was biased, simply had no idea what they were talking about or confusing bursts of annoyance with actually being likely to win a match. Or a combination of them.


I hate Junkrat but the buff is fine.
All it does is make it so there’s a bit more leniency on his m1 + mine combo. Wasn’t necessary but shouldn’t affect his gameplay drastically either.

If you’re gold and you know it and you really want to show it clap your hands :clap: :clap:

because the game highly favors braindead characters & easy characters with the dumb “low risk/high reward” ideology that exists to attract ca$uals($$$) and give them delusions of grandeur.

yeah I don’t really understand it either. he certainly wasn’t struggling without that extra 10 damage

You’re welcome :sparkles: