Did junk rat really need that buff?

Then he’s a sitting duck and he’s D E A D. Punish him.

What if, and again, bear with me, Junkrat didn’t need to two-tap you with conc mines because he could actually use his primary fire effectively?

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Well that’s the only way he gets kills to begin with in high ranks, all hitscans and flying characters will trash him before he even gets near due to his predictable movement, so he needs his kill combo to be effective.

And this is a Mercy main talking, if we’re going to pin it on who plays what for some reason like that’s a actual argument…

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Not surprised at the number of people crying about the partial revert.

Bottom line is he wasnt viable at all in top ranks. Proof: Top 500 representation crashed 75% from a point that was already below average pre nerf. He was fighting with Reaper and Bastion for least played and on some regions had already taken that spot. He was even lower than Lifeweaver

He was trash, there was no reason to ever play him outside of Lijiang control and frankly needed the nerf fully reverting. Every single person claiming he was A/B tier in gm was biased, simply had no idea what they were talking about or confusing bursts of annoyance with actually being likely to win a match. Or a combination of them.


I hate Junkrat but the buff is fine.
All it does is make it so there’s a bit more leniency on his m1 + mine combo. Wasn’t necessary but shouldn’t affect his gameplay drastically either.

If you’re gold and you know it and you really want to show it clap your hands :clap: :clap:

because the game highly favors braindead characters & easy characters with the dumb “low risk/high reward” ideology that exists to attract ca$uals($$$) and give them delusions of grandeur.

yeah I don’t really understand it either. he certainly wasn’t struggling without that extra 10 damage

You’re welcome :sparkles:

I like this idea. This is a good idea.

Blizzard tried this and ruled it out as it just turned him into ground Pharah.

:man_shrugging:t2: low skill spam cheese heroes shouldn’t be playable in high ranks anyway. It breaks the skill:reward curve of the game

Moira isn’t good in high rank, lets buff her if we are going down this rabbit hole

The trouble with that is that skill is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t regard Junkrats who can consistently land directs with a fairly slow, arcing projectile as low skill, and Junkrats that can only get results by spamming choke will stay in the mediocre ranks where that tactic can pay off.

It doesn’t help that all discussions about skill also end up with everyone unzipping their flies for a tedious ego-waving contest. See every Ana thread ever where Ana fanatics declare their hero to require ten out of ten skill, as if this is some sort of game of Top Trumps and having a higher skill score means that Ana has carte blanche to be the best support.

As for Moira - they have been buffing her and they will probably buff her some more. It just hasn’t made all that much of a difference.

I want you to watch any Junkrat in high level play and then come back here and tell me those people are ‘spamming’.

Then tell me they don’t belong there.

It’s evident most of you only assume Junkrats do nothing but spam and after all these years you’d think some of you would actually do some basic ezpz research, but no.

Irrational and beyond ridiculous.

What’s even more funny are the people who claim he’s OP and then flat out refuse to play him to climb to T500 since he’s SoOoOoOo ezmode.

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Ik you somehow hate junkrat.

But the true complaint was that doing the one shot combo became nearly impossible with the initial nerf.

You had to land the mine PERFECTLY on the target to get the kill

Or else you were just dead since you have to either land a direct hit while the ennemy is in the air, or to sacrifice your 2nd mine (aka your only way to escape) to secure the kill (if the target isnt healed/suzu/pulled etc…)

This change will make the combo less inconsistent.

Isn’t he already basically ground Pharah anyway?

In high ranks no, not when his combo isn’t overnerfed. He plays more as a flanker/camping rooms to quickly delete a squishie.

The only time he plays like ground Pharah is when he cant rely on the combo so is forced to crutch on farming tire from spamming.

this buff just helps good skill players be more consistant thats all

ya now you went from a 20 damage thresh hold to a 30 which was needed still think he needs one more ammo.

but apparently genji at 12 damage thresh hold is fine so who knows devs might nerf it to 90 next patch because the suck at their jobs

just curious why he was nerfed in the first place not really it was unwarranted and the wrong people complained to make it happen