Did I just spend $40 and not buy OW2?

Maybe this is unclear marketing, but the watchpoint pack is OW2, correct? I’m mostly interested in the PvE portion when it comes out “eventually” and when I saw the pack on sale I figured I’d go ahead and get the bonuses since I’m going to buy the OW2 PvE content down the road. However, I was watching a Youtube video that seems to be under the impression that the watchpoint pack is just a few skins, credits, and a battlepass on the F2P content that’s coming out in October and does not include the OW2 PvE content down the road?

If that’s the case I’m . . . upset, to say the least. Feels like false or misleading advertising and I hope Blizz will hand out refunds to maintain good faith. I don’t like the PvE content ANYWHERE near enough to drop $40 on some skins. Please tell me I’m mistaken.


I mean, it VERY clearly states what you get in the bundle. I’m not sure how that confused you. And no, PvE is not part of the bundle…

It does give you 2000 virtual currency though, which they may allow you to use to purchase PvE when they start releasing it next year. But, they haven’t released any details on any pricing for anything, so far.


You could try to see if you can get a refund on the bliz guides

Other than that, the pack is technically worth it? (Season 1 pass which we argue is $10 worth +2k more which is confirmed to be worth 2 battle passes, so a total of $30 worth + icon + beta + skins) but of course as an ow1 player you’re mixed at best

Like for a new comer is a no brainer, for an owner… Eh

So it’s up to you if you wanna keep the technically worth value, else
Blizzard Refund Policy - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment.

Yeah you wasted $40 I’m sorry :disappointed: it’s only for the skins, battle pass, credits, and beta access.

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People are actually spending money lmaoooo


im gonna say poor judgement but i can see this happening with people not in the know. you should be careful what you buy next time and read up on everything. this one of the reasons gaming has become what it is… pre-orders, microtransactions, battle passes and all that. always have to read the fine print :wink:

even then its pretty ambiguous


Dawg can you NOT READ? Do you not read stuff before you buy? Are you on drugs?


You can’t buy a free to play game, so not really understanding the confusion.

He’s saying he thought he bought the PvE portion, which WILL cost money

You essentially just got scammed into buying the game again.
Watchpoint Pack should be discounted for people who already own Overwatch - there is absolutely no reason to charge full price when a new player gets everything they need for $40.


Except it wont though. They said it’s coming with the regular content updates.

Huge banner ad saying “buy Overwatch 2”. Jeez, how could I be fooled into thinking I was buying OW2? Obviously lots of drugs to still be supporting Blizz at this point. Gonna try and get a refund and just write the whole thing off. Too many other games to play with friends to put up with getting scammed by a AAA company.


You’re not wrong to be disappointed. The marketing for this game is terrible, and I’m sure it’s not clear to people who haven’t followed that PVE is no longer releasing alongside PVP or as a full campaign. I’m sorry you got gypped.


Technically it’s not wrong, it’s ambiguous at best.
It would make sense for someone who doesn’t own Overwatch, but for previous owners it does raise the question of whether it includes PvE.

Sadly, it just proved their scummy marketing works.


Lol even Harbleu my favourite OW Twitch streamer thought it included OW2 PvE when he bought it.


Where exactly was this said? That’s not true.

There is no misleading when you could just read the product description.


They are releasing it seasonally, yes. But they have not confirmed how it will be monetised, or even if it will be monetised.

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It’s not that much to some of us…and I’d rather spend it now and get good value on the future OW2 battle passes and get to enjoy the beta w my friends :hugs:

No, if you read what’s in it, it tells you. Also as a life tip, don’t pay for something if you don’t know what it is.