Did 5 total placements now comp is locked

I really hope I won’t have to do them again. I hope whatever is the issue gets fixed but pls don’t reset our placements


My sister was almost in diamond in tank and got low gold after her placement games, so I hope that we do redo our placements. And there were master players who placed in high gold, I think they should redo placement games.


I guess it would be for the best. I rather not drop from diamond to gold lmao

they will reset the placements, because they want to keep you in your place and only give certain special ppl high ranks.

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Imagine actually believing this, lmfao. Yeah sure you are gold border in gold because the system doesn’t want you to climb. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


No blizzard actually screwed up comp. So much so its disabled rn. Top 500s getting placed on gold and such


My bad should have made it more clear I was replying to the post above mine. Yeah I know there’s a bug.

Do you have an ETA for when Comp goes back live?

Apparently it’s back up live now.

The Role que beta has been extended until they can fix the new season. when the new season comes out it will take into account your beta season standings and previous seasons as its been doing before :slight_smile: