Diamonds shouldnt be allowed to group with golds

Masters cant group with platinums, so why can diamonds group with gold

Gold players are slightly less skilled than plat, but some golds can handle plat.

A 6 stack consisting of 3 diamonds and 3 golds are around the same sr average as 6 plats.

All I want is this
Diamonds group with +/- 500sr.
This would be so much better


Well, for ones something usefull is proposed on the forum.


Thank you, this would balance high plat comp


It’s a shame this will be buried under all the anniversary posts…


Decreasing the sr windows =

  • in theory better/fairer matches
  • less possebility to play with friends (go play qp)


Edit: the sentence: “but I can’t play comp with xy”
Me: “I am plat, i want to play with jjonak on my team!”


Yeah, it is annoying

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In general I always thought that 6 stacks should only ever play against other 6 stacks. No matter how long they have to wait.

Stop the queue if it takes too long – doesn’t matter. I don’t know why they thought it would be a good idea to eventually match 6 stacks with randoms.


Players: less possibility for playing with friends
QP: am i a joke to you
Players: yes Qp, you are


I don’t see a big difference tbh. :sweat_smile:

Ok i see more players sacrificing themselves onto tank/support…
And the rematches.

(yes this makes the games way more enjoyable and interactive or more competetiv)

Tank is fun, if you know how to play the style of tanks

It annoys me to see dps on tanks.
No, they are not just glorified DPS
They are more sort of the damage takers and peelers.
They do so much for a team, but some people are just blinded by what dps are doing to notice

I kinda forgot this is a thing. It’s ridiculous to think they can. So I kinda forgot. Gold < diamond. Skipping an entire rank sure.
Imo bronze could be placed with low silvers
High silvers with low golds
High golds with low plats
High plats with low diamonds
High diamonds with peeked masters
Idk about gm. I’ve seen gm complain about having master in there games
The only way masters should be placed with gms if they are really really close to gm

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Watching the pairs where 1 person is 2 ranks higher than the other is always a stomp. The higher person picks widow/genji, the other person picks mercy and damage boosts them the whole game to victory.


diamond players really aren’t that good. they are usually either just mechanically good, or have good game sense, or have a mediocre amount of both, they don’t really excel at both most of the time, unless they are on the border of masters.

diamond players grouping up with lower players is fine, because to single handedly carry games at that elo youd need to be atleast masters anyway.


As someone who is consistently high plat / low diamond, I agree, at least in regards to low diamond / mid diamond. I think there’s a pretty major skill shift around 3380+, where players are noticeably better.

That said, I think tightening how who you can and can’t group with anyway is still probably a good idea. I think it’ll still lead to a better competitive environment, or at the very least lead to less people blaming a win / loss on the gold or diamond.


Compared with master/GM, perhaps not. But compared to someone in mid or low gold, diamonds are definitely good enough to be able to have a noticeable impact on the outcome of the match. They might not be hard carrying every game, but it’s a pretty substantial difference.


Diamonds are way better than golds.


This is also fairly true. I play with my friends almost strictly in QP. Some of us the skill gap isn’t that large, and another she’s hit or miss on a given night because she’s literally blind. She could probably play at a gold level if she had better eye sight, but she normally sits in silver. There’s a huge difference between how I play, and how many of my other friends play. And I don’t claim to be that good. Maybe above average?

I just want a universal 500 SR difference cap. You think it’s fun getting put with Silvers just because they queued with a Plat? The 1000 SR skill gap is insane across all tiers, not just the higher end.


It actually makes sense to have different skill differences at different ranks because the impact that a difference has depends on where you are on the bell curve. The difference between a 2100 gold and a 2800 plat is substantially smaller than a 4500 top500 player and someone at 3800 in masters.

I do think they should put a bit more effort into clamping the effective difference that players can queue with, but it shouldn’t just be a blanket 500SR across the board. You do have to be a bit careful, though, since a lot of people like to play with their friends. So if you make that limit too strict then people will either throw enough to play with friends or start smurfing more. So you have to take that into consideration.

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This is a must. There is no reason people 1000 sr apart should be able to q unless theyre gold or below.