Diamonds and above

How many heros do you main like in depth , I used to play OW before role and would always flex but now on your main account how many heros do you know at a high lvl ? I was thinking to invest in 4

when i really focused and started climbing into masters, i mained 3 (tracer cassidy and zarya)

4 is a decent number


I have 1 hard main (Lucio) and 2 soft mains (Bap and Zen). It gives me good coverage of comps and I always have a tool for denying win conditions. That being said, the support pool is very small and Mercy/Moira/Brig are fairly straightforward to flex on if the team comp really requires it.

In general though, the higher you go the more value you’ll get out of being a borderline OTP. Most of the T500 excel at 1 or 2 heroes in particular and that’s usually it. If you want my advice I’d say that you should limit yourself to no more than 3 heroes. As long as they cover the majority of matchups then you’ll be fine. If someone asks if you can swap to a specific hero you don’t play just say you don’t play X hero and try to make it work with your current main(s). Unnecessary flexing will lose you far more games than just learning how to deal with a bad matchup on one of your mains.


I’m a Masters DPS player (Diamond for Tank). I play whoever I need to win.

  1. Hanzo
  2. Ashe/Cree
  3. Widow
  4. Tracer/Mei
  5. Pharah/Reaper

If I can’t solve the problem on those heroes we’re not winning that game. But the top 4 heroes are pretty much all I really needed.

Agreed… Have one hero that you specialize in but pick 2 to 3 others that are similar in playstyle that can solve a couple different problems.

When I got to Diamond, I pretty much stopped playing Competitive and only scrimmed for like 5 seasons. Because of that (I was coached to be a hitscan + Hanzo player), I always have a hero I can swap to after my first death if I can see there will be a problem.

I think this is an experience thing. If you’re comfortable with (certain heroes) a number of heroes, you can get so much value out of swapping to someone you’re mediocre on in a clutch situation. Naturally I don’t preach this without practice though…

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Uhmmm… About that…

just one…

Mercy, Lucio, Brig, Moira in that order. Can also play Ana/Zen if needed.

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what about Sym? D:
you can’t forget our gurl :sob:

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Can’t play her in comp because of role queue! :sob: if she was a support… :thinking:


I mean…. You can….

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Lucio and Ball at GM level, Sigma, Hog, Ana and Bap at Masters

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If you don’t mind queuing longer than playing…

Low key my queue times are between 3 to 10 mins (with/out prio pass) and on average I’d say like 5 to 7 mins.

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Only tried once in last year or so.

Ticket used. After 15 minutes ticket refunded. Got game in 22 minutes.

Dps sr circa 2.3k, so Should be most players.

Nice fun game, 48-12 kd and a solid win. But not 22 minutes fun.

IMO the best heroes in the game are as follows
Tank - Sigma, ball, Dva, Hog
DPS - Soldier, Torb, Sym, Tracer, Mei, Echo (don’t play Echo in low ranks)
Support - Bap, Brig, Zen

You should look to master a few heroes for whatever role you’re trying to climb on. It’s better to specialize in two or three heroes than be a jack of all trades. However, don’t be an OTP.

For context, I’m a Masters hitscan player who climbed playing Cree/Ashe. Understand that this actually made it very hard for me to climb. Not being able to play Tracer or Sym meant losing tons of winnable games where I could’ve carried, and playing heroes that heavily relied on my tanks and supports meant getting less value in some situations through no fault of my own.