Diamond+ Supps what helps with Ball?

Recently I found myself in a game against a ball. He was far from a top-tier ball, but the one thing this guy did well was contest cart. My team was often overextending and refusing to help contest the cart. I ended up swapping to Baptiste because the damage output combined with more self-sustain than zen felt like my best bet.

What do you find yourself playing in these scenarios? What heroes do you think work best against ball on the ladder from the support roster?

If you’re playing any map apart from a King of the Hill map, id say that zen is really good against ball if you have semi reliable team mates that will turn and shoot your discord, or if you are paired with an ana who sleeps him on cooldown (Ana is another good pick). Brig is ok
 just because she can constantly displace him with her flail but she cant really do much more than that. Mercy would be another good pick because you can just GA away from his slams, but if you get caught in his slam and don’t have any peal; just like zen; you will be taken out pretty quick by his combos.

KoTH maps, you can run Ana and even Moira can do well, Moira has her fade which just negates Ball’s abilities really so you wont be affected by him much, but make sure you help your other support and squishies as they wont have as much mobility as you!

Generally just stick with your other support and maybe a squishy such as mcree and you can peal for each other, and pretty much shutting down Ball’s dive on you guys.


As a Ball main. A well positioned and protected Zen constantly keeping discord on you is an absolute pain in the rear.


just sleep the ball every time they slam down. anti them on their way out. If you’re confident with your sleeps instead of getting the free sleep when they land from slam, wait till they hit their grapple cool down for the escape

A well timed sleep is annoying, but only really an issue if the enemy has good follow up.

Most of the time you either get woken up by a dopey DPS and roll away, or nothing happens and you just roll away.

It won’t stop me stalling, I’ll just put the payload between me and the ana
 Or you can sleep me on it, but that doesn’t actually help you.

Brig or Moira. If theyre actually good brig, if they arent as good and I can bait them out of position to try and dive me and fade out Moira. In all reality most of the ball players I’ve been against haven’t been too hard to deal with and they usually swap off after a minute. Like other are saying though CC them if they’re actually annoying.

Go ana and just sleep him/ help your team secure a pick before he wakes up. Save your nades for him and or to help get a pick and or for yourself.

Make him useless by CC.

sleep, brig bash, good positioning and peel if you can get it.
you could also run bap and just dps the ball enough to pleasure them.
or play kiri and tp away. kiri does next to no damage against him though since you cant headshot him half the time so its not ideal.

same can be said for moira but I wouldn’t recommend playing moira at all.

if you’re on zen, its all up to peel. his kick is nice but its not saving you in most situations.

I either play Bap and DPS the ball, look out for his roll outs and DPS him early, Ana and focus on sleeping him if the DPS are playing grouped up and focusing him or I ignore the ball and focus on heals and pick healers with survivability

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Like above, don’t remember the last time I struggled against Doom or Ball, I play Zen, Ana and Brig as my mains, Discord really let’s your team melt him and he is running for the hills and switching off instantly, also rage switching when you sleep them for the 5th time.

I should probably rephrase my question. My intent was which heros do you find best for 1v1ing ball. In the situation above my team was literally just pushing up ignoring him and I was in a 1v1 on payload very frequently.

Doesn’t brig have the tools to win a 1v1? It’s a slow contest of attrition.


A debuffer like Zen or Ana because we assume at diamond+ that your teammates are smart enough to shoot Ball once he is purpled or asleep.

However, Rein is an amazing help here also. I have gotten really good with timing charges to launch Ball away from cart and sometimes right off the map. I’ll go with him too just to keep him pinned if it looks necessary.

If you’re trying to stop a contest then zen would be good for discord and to boop his swings but a top tier ball will melt you if you’re dived. I’d only recommend if you’re confident in your team. Otherwise bap for damage and survivability or Kiriko who can easily get headshots on ball and tp away if you’re in danger.

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You know I guess this is a very fair point, you definitely would assume that your teammates are smart enough to assist against it. I only ran into this issue in QP so it probably is a non-issue in comp at this rank but it was frustrating enough for me to just wonder what the best 1v1 match-up the support roster has against ball if both players are well-skilled.

I’m diamond 5 support and diamond 4 on ball so I’m qualified to answer this question. In a 1v1 of Ball vs. a support nobody wins because Ball has too much Hp and supports have too many get out of jail abilities. Unless it’s Zen then he’s a free kill for Ball.