Diamond rank all my life, suddenly i'm GOLD

What the hell happened, Blizzard?

Been on Diamond rank my entire OW career. On Beta, i got all three Diamonds (3023 tank, 3028 dps, 3502 sup).

Decided to play only tank on my very first 5 placement matches, I WON THOSE 5 GAMES.

Out f* nowhere, I was put on GOLD RANK!
Like… Whaaat?! I wasn’t expecting being on high diamond, but gold is so out of reach!

And it’s like I’m not the only one, many people on reddit and in this forums are complaining about it too!

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Theyre aware of this thats why its a beta

Seems sketchy. Now im quite anxious of playing comp.


Maybe your performance was not as good as you expected?

Beta has ended. It’s real comp now.

Hard MMR reset happened.

That scares me.

I haven’t been gold since like season 1, this is pretty funny.

What? It’s the live season 18 dude!!!

its not an mmr reset cause people are winning 1 sr for games. and that would be the opposite of an mmr reset where it would try to get them back to their actually rank faster,

well luckily enough, they just disabled comp.

Update from Bill Warnecke:

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Clearly they messed something up and hopefully everyone gets their ranks back. But “all my life” is a bit much for a game that’s only existed a few years.

It’s a bug.

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ya got old and slow’

everyone literally everyone is been put into gold they extended Beta season until it’s fixed :slight_smile: (i suspect Tuesday at the latest)

Yea I got 2 ranks lower as well hopefully its not a huge disaster because im playing with some very interesting people.