Diablo very likely to get an animated series on Netflix... can Overwatch get one too?

https: //screenrant .com/diablo-trademark-netflix-series/

Diablo has been rumored to get a Netflix animated series since September of last year, when screenwriter Andrew Cosby tweeted that he was in that final talks for it. Nothing came from it since, even at BlizzCon where they announced the ill-received Diablo: Immortal (which honestly, put them in such a bad place that you could say nothing would be better over it).

That’s changed in March, when a trademark for the Netflix series was filed.

Blizzard Entertainment has filed a trademark for a property called Diablo that is listed as being intended for “Downloadable films and movies featuring narratives based on a video game and provided via a video-on-demand service,” which sounds a lot like something is being produced for a service like Netflix. Cosby also wrote another tweet on March 14 where he talks about a secret project that he is working on and how he will be able to talk about it soon.

So what does Diablo have to do with Overwatch?

Basically, some of you may have known this, but Activision-Blizzard has a subsidiary called Activision-Blizzard Studios that was founded specifically to make adaptations of their games. They made the successful Skylanders: Academy for Netflix, and now Diablo looks to be next.

It’s been stated on multiple occasions that Blizzard is very, very interested in the idea of an animated series, as are the fans, and the reason should be obvious: Overwatch would translate to animation perfectly. Granted, there is the obstacle of animation style, as the CGI shorts wouldn’t looks nearly as good if it had to be stretched to a seasonal format. However, I think a Young Justice style would look just fine.

Anyways, with Diablo basically being confirmed to be getting an animated series, can Overwatch get one as well? Maybe, just maybe, we can finally get out of the lore drought that has plagued the series for so long. If this was what they were saving up for this entire time, I can forgive them for it.

Well, we can only see.


Diablo isn’t really my style of game, but I’m definitely going to give the series a chance when it’s available. (Hopefully it’ll be popular enough to encourage Blizzard giving an Overwatch series a chance in the future!)