Devs, Thank you so much for the ball nerf

I’m going to miss it, tbh.

Only time it worked was on teams that didn’t pay attention. And i’m the person who would ruin his life when he tried to spin the win.

No more easy wins. ):

Nope, it destroys many high tech plays you don’t know about. Blizzard buffed spin to win about a year ago when they forced an aim assist on grapple that nobody asked for. Before that, attaching grapple to spin to win locations required precise aim cause the anchor points were so small. Blizz changed it so it just auto aimed to that point and anybody could do it. This team has no idea what they’re doing with ball, they’re just ruining him.

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The Hammond change specifically, I hope was made in order to address last - second panic - switches to Hammond by Defenders, which was the main problem by far and one mainly, but not exclusively, present in lower ranks.

I just pointed out that the devs very rarely cater to lower ranks with their changes. And when they do, it’s very justified. For example, you can’t have heroes that are playable in lower ranks but require skill sets to counter that are naturally not present in said skill levels, etc.

Your wording indicated that they would not have done the nerf if it was to cater to people who don’t have aim.

Which, incidentally, is also the problem with your second statement. What do you mean “can’t have heroes that are playable in lower ranks but require skill sets to counter”? That’s literally every character in the game, especially flankers and dive heroes. I’m guessing you used the “playable in lower ranks” phrase to try to exclude skill-intensive characters like Genji or Tracer, but you can’t tell me with a straight face that players who can’t hit a spinning Ball can hit a wall-riding Lucio or a flying Pharah.

Problem is that it’s implemented in a terrible way, because there is no visual indicator showing how much time you have left on the grapple. Also spin2win can be fixed in many other ways that don’t drastically alter the heros playstyle

Yes, thank you for not hoping I had the will or intelligence to switch to Mei, Hog, Brig, Lucio, Ana, Doom, Orisa, Ball, Rein, Sigma, McCree, Sombra, Pharah, Junkrat, Bastion, or Symmetra (16 heroes, literally half of the roster) to deal with one bad Ball mechanic.

“Ur a Brig main lol”

-Doesn’t see the other supports I play have well over three times the amount of time I played her.

-Also doesn’t see I like to mess around on Brig in QP while Comp is a different story.

Gold star on trying to throw an insult (albeit, in the most generic way). What do your stats look like? Oh wait, you’re hiding them.

You’re also missing the point. I never said once Ball actually WINS the games. I’m saying the strategy happens enough to artificially inflate matches, infuriate teams, and - once again - is a low-effort win strategy players will attempt to use. That does not imply winning, genius. Spin to Win is merely the name of the strat. Maybe that flew past you though too.

And yes, I’ve seen 2 minute+ stalls happening. I’m sure many others here have seen it as well.

Before you attempt an insult, do yourself a favor and learn how to read, and how to read the whole context.

It’s amazing how heated people can get over just balance

I know ball nerf is dumb, but still lol

I just wish they had done it differently if they targeted spin2win

The way they added it nerfs more high skill parts of his kit than actual spin2win

Actually not true, see here:

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Don’t you know? Somebody disagreeing with an opinion these days is capital treason and worthy of a death sentence.

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Yep, you got that right. They most probably wouldn’t had done it if this was the only reason for this change, because:

The entire quote was:

Example: Pharah

She’s very easy to play, hence why she can be played by even Bronze players effectively, yet her counters mainly consist of hitscan heroes, which require accurate aim, a skill set not present in said ranks.

A very straightforward example of a design problem, which in Pharah’s case specifically is exacerbated by the existence of the Pharmercy combo.

Right. “Rarely” does not mean “would not have done it”.

Granted, if you had said “probably” or “might” in front of that, we wouldn’t be having this argument. But, at the time, you did not. So if what you instead meant was “they PROBABLY would not have done it”, then we can reach an accord now. But, that was not what you said at the time, and there’s a distinctive difference of the two.

Yes, my response addressed the full quote.

So two points, then: the very presence of Pharmercy discredits your argument because, clearly, they exist. So whether or not you “can have” characters like that is purely academic.

Second, exactly what do you think should be done about it? As someone who’s played in every rank from Bronze to Diamond, the cup runneth over on skills not present at ranks where accessible characters are frequent. You can’t aim? Moira is going to be 1v1ing you a lot. Your team can’t target prioritize? Sym/Torb turrets are going to destroy them. Your team has no awareness? Mei and Reaper are going to shred your backline and/or tanks. Can’t aim? All Lucio has to do is ride on a wall and stall the point for infinity.

How do you create a game where the skill floor scales exactly to the skill level of your lower ranks and doesn’t make a bunch of characters that are absolutely worthless?

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Fair enough.

There’s no perfect game, so what you’re saying is obviously almost always the case.

It’s impossible to achieve perfect skill/reward ratios for all heroes. In a perfect game, all heroes would be viable (in their specific niches or not), however the easiest heroes in comparison would be the weakest and the most difficult ones to play would be the hardest.

Now, how you practically accomplish that is a different story entirety, but you should always strive for it if you want your game to be considered a Competitive one, as advertised. Also, the heroes as heroes should be viable, their individual abilities may be utterly useless, because let’s be honest, how much damage should something as mindless as Turrets be able to do?

thats why doom no longer oneshots and genjis dash doesnt reset anymore on an assist right?