Devs piss me off with their decisions

The Genji right click buff? Why?? I don’t get it!!!
Someone please explain it to me so it makes sense.

It’s so irritating to have fun playing a game and then having the devs making strange decisions over and over and over. I thought this was supposed to be in “experimental”??? The mode where we try “crazy” things?? The heck?

So experimental practically means “this will be in the game, you can get used to it here so the backlash is less”?? Get out of here with that yo. Genji did not need a damn buff.


Genjis pickrate was at the lowest of lows lately on OWL, thats what i think might be the main reason, it was at like 0.X or something

here is a thread i made explaining why he needed one back then before he got buffed (and it looks like it worked)

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Didn’t know OWL was even a thing anymore. People still watch it? Thanks for the link, appreciate the explanation.

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idk about anyone else, but the last experimental card made it seem like bliz was hijacked

What about other heros that clearly need buffs more than genji (I.e. sym)


They also need help,

im kind of baffled on why they have been skipping buffing them as well

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