Devs: Look In To The Losing Streaks

Oh hi, welcome back!

Nope, still not paid by Blizzard. I just happen to know that people are able to climb despite all of the things that people blame. If everyone has to deal with it and players who improve themselves are able to climb, it follows that people who can’t climb just need to get good.

That might be your definition, but it would be incorrect. Transparency allows independent verification of fairness, but that doesn’t mean an opaque system is inherently unfair.


He doesn’t know how the system works, yet he talks as if he knows it’s fair. So you’re right, he’s just trolling you. And yes he follows everyone who’s criticizing the matchmaker and attempts to sabotage their threads.

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Honey… you got your own threads locked by calling out the dev team and threatening forum members.

Not trying to get you to discuss disciplinary actions (that’s against the rules) but I’m guessing that’s why you’ve been absent lately?

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Leave it to one of the resident conspiracy theorists to come up with an idea like this.

It couldn’t be that this section gets, like, a dozen new topics a day.


I don’t know what “calling out” means, perhaps you can elaborate.

The rest of your post is blatant trolling.


…I’m not?


So: a “threat” to share what was completely public information.

If anyone doubted you were a troll, well they have no excuse to wonder anymore.

What does “calling out” mean?

It’s where you name or direct a post at someone. In the case referenced, you called out the dev team. You can find the Community code of conduct rules here: Welcome to General Discussion - Please Read! - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums


You are and you just did again.

You are clearly violating forum rules. I asked what “calling out” meant, not to get dragged into a debate about some thing or other that may or may not have happened, that I may or may not disagree with your interpretation of.

Apparently you believe that you can violate the rules with impunity. I wonder why that is.

Whatever, dude. You do you.

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The subject of this thread is addressed to “Devs:”… ah well, I guess I’m not meant to understand it.

YES, It is so nice to see someone else who has their eyes open to what is going on. Look through this person history, and all of his friend that like every post he make, it is the same people supporting each other, and all they do is defend this stinky matchmaker.

Now I wonder who it is that would defend the matchmaker that nobody like, I know who they are but you can draw your own conclusion.

It is actually embarrassing.

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This is such a massive problem I can’t understand how they haven’t just abandoned the current codebase for the matchmaker completely. I should record/stream some games I play on weekends and then a few played on a weeknight. You would be convinced it’s not even the same game - definitely not the same rank range.

For three years I’ve had the same pattern: Climb massively on Friday night through to Sunday midday; then Sunday night through to Thursday night it’s just people acting like other players they’re ruining the game for don’t matter.

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Do no bring me in to your bull**** fight, MHz. I have seen the discussion from Jaqui, he is not GM, and has stated that several times. Stop being an obnoxious dick!

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Quarters, I am not listening to that fruit cake, and compulsive liar. I have seen that entire discussion. My original post was based on my own personal experience, which happens to be a shared gripe amongst others. I am just frustrated that others fail to take onboard obvious issues with the Blizzard’s system, and their obvious obfuscation of certain things.

They just try to make the games balanced so high mmr means worse teams. Slow climbing is more effective than fast climbing because the matchmaker gets more uncertain about your mmr. Teams are supposed to fair but if they are based around the top 2 players on the team carrying and then the other players force them to fill you often end up with unbalanced games


My friend, he is GM and has hide the profile of that account to cover this up. Let us pretend that he is only Master, he still took hours and hours and days to increase a plat account just simply 200SR.

Also, what you post is flaming me so bad that I must flag and report, it is fine to disagree but the way you do it is too spicy.

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This guy just spams every anti-matchmaker forum post he can find with his conspiracy theories that have already been proven wrong. He just twists his story every time.


Been thinking about it a lot. The way i figure the matchmaker works is the computer asigns a skill number to u and other players based on how u are performing or have performed (mmr) we dont see it but this could change drasticly or very little.

for sake of argument let say its a number from 1-20 1 being trash 20 being god like for ur tear and the matchmaker has to make each team equal 25. Now example: i perform well in the last couple games so it asigns me a 10 so to balance out the equation the reat of my teamates can only be a 2 3 3 3 4 or some veriation of that. So i am ment to carry to in a way test my skill for the next rank. (Cuz a 1 in plat could sometimes outmatch a 20 in gold for example) now the enemy team gets the same or similar matching but lets say they randomly get 5 4 4 4 4 4 so yes a 10 should be able to defeat a 5 but not always and there is no garenetee.

So in a way the system dos “rigg” it but not on purpose it dos it to test ur skill. And yes if ur always a 10ish in diamond…and u play in gold to “prove” anyone can rank up. Yes u will cuz ur good enough to carry those lower numbers better.

Now this isnt the reason i am the rank i am or the reason somone else is being held back its just how a computer would logicly look at things and test a very random human as a computer dosnt understand randomness. But also not everyone has the same skill set or can carry when testes for that. They may play at a plat lvl in gold but they just dont have the skills to carry when the system thinks they should.

So because of this the matchmaker is fighting against and can be fighting for u at the same time so that adds to the difficulty of ranking up. Not to mention random thrower, smurfs, disconnections, mental additude, not clicking with ur teamates, being tired or not ect… All add to the difficulty. Now sadly we can only guess on the numbers but this is how a computer would make each team have a 50% chance of winning even if it dosnt seem like it.

Losing streaks are a result of this also win streaks. Sadly u just cant avoid the potatos…they will happen and yes u have to improve urself cuz its the way bliz choose to do it.

I wanna upvote this 1 million times.