Devs, I have to say, I'm impressed

In a recent Omnic Post article, it was mentioned that there would be no new Holiday game mode because the developers were focused on balance and quality of life changes.
This. Is. Amazing.
Can this and the very frequent balance changes as of late finally prove to you all that yes, in fact, the developers are looking at the facts and listening to our feedback? That they care about the game more than anything else because it is their job to make the game great?

I feel like this post is starting to less and less apply to the game. They are making balance changes. They are talking about what we can see in the future. These statements, combined with the incoming help for Orisa and Roadhog, show that we are being listened to in the right way.
Notice how I said, the right way. There is so much unfiltered trash suggestions that flow over these boards, Reddit, and Twitch. They see the numbers, and what heroes aren’t being played enough, and the warranted complaints, and they bring it to the table and work on it. They see the ones that are witch hunts, either against characters, the game, or the developers themselves, and they let it flow over. We are getting exactly what this game needs.
I for one am really excited for what is to come and will be playing Overwatch loyally. Because the world could always use more heroes.


What about the months of nothing before the dev update though?
What where they doing? All on holiday?

the actual changes that are on PTR. They were working on those.

Plus there’s the social feature that is delayed because of how complicated and how long it’s taking to work out the issues.

Understanding what the game needs. Working on the Overwatch League. Letting the pieces fall into place. The support balance changes. Etc., etc.


I hate these “balance” changes honestly. Overwatch needs variety in game modes and more one content.

Just because they make an underpowered hero now overpowered doesn’t make the game any more balanced. It just kicks people out of their niche.


I would understand…if they only had 1 person doing everything.
Also OWL doesn’t count.

The amount of content and balance changes we have gotten in the last year is pitiful.

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That’s really good news. I could care less about more new content being added right now, but the game desperately needs attention focused on balance, bugs, and QOL fixes and updates.

It does, when it reinforces niches (like Sym) or changing playstyles to be overall healthier for the game (Torb) or make multiple changes to someone who was clearly OP (Hanzo).

In the exact words of my late grandmother: every time a new Brigitte nerf goes live, an angel gets its wings.


:skull: :skull: :skull:

Do the balancing team members even work on creating new content for events?

Well, they made massive change to support. Nerf/Buff characters constantly now, and are fixing bugs.
I think it is on the uptick certainly.

Considering there is one team responsible for coding characters and the game in general, I guess you could say that is true.