Devs have repeated their mistakes... yet again

Moira’s problem was that she DPS’d more than healing.
And the way to solve that was to reduce the overall DPS and allow more healing.


Making things harder to land and increasing the cooldowns.

Why do the devs never pinpoint the actual problem in their games?

They killed:

and now it’s Moira’s turn is it? (Funny that they’re all female tank/support heroes)
It’s getting ridiculous now.


These changes are perfectly in line with the philosophy of a balanced game around high elo. In fact moira changes are a nerf toward low elo and a buff toward high elo and that’s how it should be. indeed moira has been very strong and dominante in every elo below diam but lacking in high elo instead of just nerfing her they found a way to make her lose value in low elo by adding skillcap which mean she’ll gain value in high elo with coordinated team with her new kits according to that it will open a lot of new plays and clutch potential to the heroes.

In conlclusion get gud :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How was moira nerfed this time? :roll_eyes:

The complaining is what’s getting ridiculous

blame the community not the devs, the community are the ones who claimed her to be OP…because god forbid a support can do damage

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So, criticising one’s actions and decisions is considered ridiculous at this point?

You tell me, out of all the listed heroes Blizzard have gutted does one seem like it was ever a good choice from the beginning.

Moira’s problem is that her dps is completely brainless, not that she does too much of it. I like that I have to think about when I use my ball rather than just throwing it out every time it’s off cool down for free ult charge and cheesy kills.

While I share the concern that this is now the 2nd time they try that fade thing, even though it didn’t work out the first time when it was actually more powerful, please to mind the key sentence in the announcement:

Keep in mind that these are purely experiment changes and are not likely to go live.

You mean actually require aim instead of throw and forget and still get value without real effort?

It’s ridiculous!

That’s not true from that start.

Damage orb and damage hand do LESS than her healing Orb and heal spray overall. She isn’t leaning to close to “too much damage” in the slightest

Moira player here. Her problem is that she gets good aoe heal value from her resource with little effort. Her weapon feels bad to die against and isn’t rewarding to use.

They should have:

  • hard nerfed resource gain
  • shrank her damage beam hitbox (they did) BUT also buffed her damage hand to like 55 dps instead if 50 so your aim can get rewarded. (Or revert her selfheal from it, one or the other not both)
  • buffed her heal output (nerfed resource gain means you need to actually pay attention to it).
  • Hard nerfed ult charge rate but buffed it’s effectiveness
    Damage orb: just nerf damage to 150 total as opposed to 200, buff the dps to Flat 55 but keep the radius nerfed.
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Not at all… Moira’s problem is that she has no utility, she’s a healbot through and through. The new fade changes give her utility, and the other changes make her just a little bit harder to play, or else she’d be completely OP in lower ranks.


The also killed shield tanks btw

Wow i just saw what you typed down, if you think that you’re an absolute troll and a complete degenerate

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Lol, coming from a Hanzo DP who used to have scatter arrow as his base kit shouldn’t call the kettle black.

Moira’s Damage orb was a brain dead ability, but that doesn’t mean it should be a spitball skill where it’s a hit or a miss. The devs need to find a middle ground.

There will always be OP heroes in each categories of ranks.

That doesn’t mean it’s a problem that needs to be dealt ASAP.

And maybe it’s not you personally, but most people on the forums were blazing at her high DPS when she’s a “support”.

That attitude is why I mostly win as Moira when I play mirror 1v1. Your orb passes by me, hits a wall and flies away. Mine stays in play for it’s duration.


Lol, if you think I’m a “degenerate” for stating a blatant fact of all the gutted heroes Blizzard has infamously operated upon, then maybe that title fits you more than I.

Other words: eat ^&#*

Anyway i made a constructive argument about the topic ignoring this fact and got no feedback from you about it :frowning: , i would like love to know if there’s a disgrement with what i said.

If you were so keen in discussing about the essence of the topic instead of bickering about my choice of words, then maybe you are worth my time.

Is the dumbest thing I’ve read today that’s got nothing to do with my problem with the devs.

Your logic was: Low ELO OP? Then make it High ELO OP.
and yet, you fail to realize that not every single hero in OW should be forced to be buffed for the sake of higher elo players.

The whole idea behind MY topic was to criticize the dev’s direction of how they were buffing and nerfing Moira NOT whether she needed it or not.

You may need to read my first post again buddy :sweat_smile:

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That literally is not her problem at all. She already does ~20% more healing than other supports.

Her problem is that she has no solid skillful utility to add to her team. This prevents them from buffing her numbers to make her viable at high ranks (where she is currently useless) without making her oppressive in low ranks (where she is already quite formidable).

They ran into this exact same problem with Reaper and Sym but their solution was to balance around low ranks and leave them useless elsewhere.