"Devs dont do anything"

New bugs you say?
I’m still getting annoyed at the bugs from near launch that still have not been fixed.

Like, say:

  • When widowmaker dies while using smg its a cointoss if she will have the smg sfx infinitely playing upon respawn until you fire the smg again.

  • Widow’s grappling hook sometimes catapulting you downwards or a random direction instead of upwards when you jump to detach.

  • In Chateau guillard under the wooden structure you can walk up to the wall and just get stuck.

  • Launchpads will sometimes not launch you until you step off and on again(usually after landing on it with a movement ability).

  • Environmental kills not being awarded(was improved but not completely fixed)

I’m sure there are plenty more bugs(probably forgot a few that annoy me myself here) that get the cold shoulder from the dev team , and this is just me and my limited gamemodes/heroes.

Edit: 1 minute and I’m already adding another:

For friends list, it has a maximum.
This isn’t shown anywhere while it would be stupidly easy to add something like: “197/200 friends” on the social tab.

What is even worse is if you add folks or they want to add you, you whose friendslist is full do not get an error like “your friendslist is full”.

Instead you’re allowed to keep sending friend request that people can’t accept(they get an error but usually have no way of letting you know)

If they want to add you they get an error, but the game doesn’t bother to let you know.

Perhaps not a bug:

  • Launchpads don’t count as ground so if you jump up during ffa and keep bouncing no matter how long if someone did an environmental ability or melee on you they will get the kill.

They should also not be hated for doing what they are supposed to do.

??? wrong game.

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Also, Reinhardt charge is still completely random, Hook aswell, Lots of NoRegs (especially with Ashe), superjumping with Orisa still possible sometimes (although it was “fixed”)
But compared to other games its not that bad imo

When we say “devs dont do anything” we dont mean literally nothing BUT compared to other companies and how they treat their esports game… the OW team does nothing compared to them. They do little and react slow. They dont even have a balance-team for OW.

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Yeah and also earth is flat.

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