Devs confirm Sombra sucks on ladder

It’s not that hard to understand the differences.


  • is highly coordinated
  • 0 ping environment
  • teams of 6 who play with each other every day for hours.
  • always have the same teammates and play in a group of 6


  • Lucky if your teammates communicate let alone cooperate
  • random pings sometimes the servers randomly disconnect players or lag them to hell
  • playing with random strangers
  • GM & top 500 can’t have a group larger than 2 (devs claimed matchmaking issues but it was being heavily abused by boosters and players who would form top500 only groups and play at bad hours to purposely play against much lower ranked players for free SR)

OWL is a completely different environment to how the rest of people play the game. Which is why lots of people are annoyed with the devs balancing around OWL.


Owl doesn’t care for downtime, seems like it

because in Masters and GM double sniper still better choice than sombra other dps, if snipers wouldnt be that strong, than sombra surely would dominate
As long you can click heads u will win more team fights than with sombra emp

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OMEGA LUL :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

If they wanted to make her better on ladder they would just left her in 2017 state with some changes :

  • healpack - ult charge % nerf

  • Sugar skulls on hacked enemies

  • 2018 hack buffs ( ability to hack passives )

  • and maybe stealth on resourse ( but in 2017 it was good too )

HAHAHAH just remember 99999999 posts about how trash her 2018 July rework is for ladder ( and amazing for OWL ) and anyway they pushed it

It still baffles me that they chose to enforce the rule that high ranked players must play solo or duo, actively discouraging your best players to reach for a team and learn team tactics instead of becoming a better lone wolf.

IMO, just like how PBSR stop being a factor from diamond and up, the matchmaker should also stop enforcing same-sized teams on both sides at that SR range, to push people into finding teammates and improve together.

Do Blizzard want us to be awe-inspired by OWL plays? Then why do they force us to play in an environment that actively prevents us from training and repeating those stunts?

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I think as a competitive goal from a game designing and game balancing perspective that is extremely challenging, but it’s obviously what we strive to achieve.

you dont know how HAPPY i am from reading this

ive never been so dissapointed when jeff said their goal was to “give everyone their own time to shine”

thats probably why their balance got so much better over the last few patches. because they arent just trying to play “lets make X meta” but just balancing them and letting the meta flow

Honestly, people don’t even care if Jeff says it as long as it fit their narrative to get the character nerf.

This is most obvious back in Hanzo day when he was consider a troll pick with Scatter Arrow. Statistically Scatter Arrow as consider balance when the dev gave us the number, wish I bookmark that post long ago. People still memeing to this day that he shoots log, when it is false.

I learn from past mistake and bookmark posts by the dev about popular subject that people keep arguing about and flat out deny and misinforming the audiences.

Sombra is in a usable states, and I honestly rather she not get touch to become worse than she is now. The routine is to get a hero buff, to get nerf twice as hard later on, making them weaker than they originally were.

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9 times out of 10 that’s not going to happen, even in Grandmaster, you can’t expect everybody to go into Voice Chat, because people want to yell because of your hero selection or if you screw up.

Team reliant heroes are why they never get played, Symmetra, Bastion, Sombra, Brigitte are all team reliant heroes which is why they don’t see play.

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I’m surprised this is news to anyone. There’s always been a disconnect between ladder and the OWL especially with certain heroes (namely, Sombra and Mei) with kits reliant on coordination making them bad on ladder even when they’re meta in the OWL. When Mei was meta, she was only good in the OWL and GM. The same scenario is playing out with Sombra right now, and will continue to play out with any hero reliant on their team.

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Sombra has a player problem. So it will be interesting how they fix that.

Let me know what y’all think!

Ball & Doom players: First time?

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It is one of those things you got to play with friends for the best chance of success.

This is the sad truth for the OWL - there are no hero mains. They look for the best comp and rarely experiment with different comps, becuase if you know the enemy is playing a certain comp they perfected and you’re playing the same comp you perfected - why risk playing a different comp or “switch to counter”

Why is Sombra less played in GM and masters? Cuz she wasn’t meta for a very very long time, and a few people truly main her. You wanna hit the top of top 500 you gotta main a hero - Just look at Fitzy, dude has been top 500 on Sombra in almost every season.

Both OWL and GM are in meta prisons to keep their rank and the meta’s in both are different due to one playing as a team and the other as an individual.

This guy said it best X)

P.S. I’d just leave her as is. She clearly doesn’t need a buff and her teammates are always her biggest nerfers.

They really need to add some in game tournament 6 player only feature

You realize that OWL teams are much more coordinated then comp games on the ladder. They have play hundreds of hours together synergizing so it makes sense that sombra in OWL is a lot more dominant.

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Is she bad on ladder? I checked on overbuff and sombra seems fine on gm to me, it’s just some characters should only perform well in the skillful hand, you can’t and aren’t supposed to work when a team don’t know how to coordinate

but Reddit keeps saying you don’t need voice chat to climb and comms are bad.

They’re right though, if you meta slave certain heroes.

I feel like I need to do this too because so many times I read stuff on the forums and I’m like were we playing the same game back then?

All that being said, I still stand with the fact that Sombra (along side Dva, Roadhog, Mei, Symmetra, Zen and even to some degree Lucio) were made without 2-2-2 in mind and work (and therefore would be easier to tweak) without it (product of their time). I’m not saying they should stop 2-2-2 but I think they should address the “off” class heroes. To me the new heroes make it more apparent that this is a problem since they make the new heroes with 2-2-2 in mind making certain old heroes “worse”.