DEVS are Trolling us

LMAOOO In response to public outburst about dva being strong the devs have decided to nerf Winston LOOOL. One of the only counters to Dva. Then they decided Ashe also needed a reload nerf and a damage nerf because dps are not supposed to be able to eliminate support looool. I am convinced the devs are at their highest (bronze) players and have absolutely no idea what they are doing. TROLLS where can we report them ???


The reload is a little annoying, not barely noticeable.

The damage change is just to hip fire… so barely noticeable too.

They both seem like confusing changes (unless it has something to do with Mercy pockets after the boost buff).

As strong as D.Va is, and needing nerfs of some sort… Winston was stronger. They just picked the wrong nerf for him.

It’s ok, their time is limited. Better options are coming, they’ll soon be playing the layoff roulette game at work when they are forced to cut people.


Blizzard doesnt seem to understand that skilled players play ashe, tracer and widow and those kind of heroes.

while keyboard turning scrubs play torb, junkrat and mei. and then they only look at win rate and buff the heroes that only scrubs play and nerf the skilled heroes. its such a joke company.
“oh look ppl is still playing this heroe” " it must mean its good so lets nerf them" and “this hero is never played. must be because its bad not because its boring. so lets buff them” braindead everyone over at blizzard.

blizzard must be the worst company in the world when it comes to balance and matchmaking.


Unironically mei, torb and junkrat take more skill than ashe and widow, also those heroes aren’t exactly joyous to play against, no one likes getting one shot across the map or one shot combo by an ashe or dynamite for 200dmg around a corner


Did you know Torb is the DPS with the highest win rate across all ranks (armour too strong).

I am just confused, if they wanted to nerf Ashe, why not actually nerf something impactful. Reload is just going to be annoying and less hip fire damage isn’t really relevant.

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Tracer for sure has a medium skill floor and an infinite skill ceiling.

Ashe? Ashe is in the same class as Boomer76, easy peasey for anyone that’s ever played CoD. Widow too.

The positioning and gamesense necessary to do well with them is real, but that’s kinda true with any of the less mobile characters.

This reads like ‘everything i play is skill, everything i don’t play is scrub’

you are 100% correct, although I will say, you have to be really good to play junkrat in lobbies that are masters and above. I hardly see any of those junta players that make it this hi, but the ones that are can do some crazy stuff. they are still however the exception. I fully agree with you that the devs either dont play this game, or they never passed plat in comp. because these nerfs and buffs seems like something a low levelled player would want to see so they could play against higher skilled players. Like Mei, for example, 300 hp when every other dps is at 225 and her long range shot does crazy damage.

Winston has NEVER countered DVA lol.

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Pretty sure they outsource game balance to local elementary schools

i mean imho thats the main issue with overwatch.
some see how good they can aim, other see how good they can avoid having to aim while other get carried because all they need is gamesense or positioning.

while we measure often in a single aspect.

also the effectiveness of heroes differs in value by elo, so if you are a top tier widow I would probably suggest you go in high ranks where people are more likely to play with you while I wouldn’t suggest a junkrat to go and play against super accurate players like the widow player.

Every role has these issues that some heroes are to easy for mid value and others can be harder but can potentially go far beyond the easy heroes mid level. But only if you can play that well.

yes I am aware that this also means if someone has garbage positioning but god tier aim, they can neglect a few things. Someone unable to hit a shot has to survive longer somehow. Often carried with better positioning and / or different heroes.

what did you expect if you give a bunch off former bullying victims power? lmao

just cuz they didnt shoot up a school doesnt mean they came out of this normal

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and yet they never seem to buff LW… sad… i mean they tried to recently but all in vain.

Winston was very good against dva since tesla cannon ignores armor but they nerfed the dmg. He’s still okay but doesn’t pressure dva nearly enough anymore. Kinda like how Orisa doesn’t hard counter hog anymore.