Devs apparently don't care about the tank experience

I think that the fact that tanks are leaving in huge numbers shows that tank experience isn’t enjoyable.

You can blame tanks for not playing the game. That’s not going to make them come back.

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i actually think this would be the more engaging gameplay but you have to remember not every tank player wants to focus on fragging and dealing dmg

some ppl simply want to take space so having a much larger focus on being tanky would for them be better

thats why i really dont know which option is overall better for the game

i do know the only way to make tank not explode lies in them being less reliant on supports but whose to say if that playstyle would be fun?

maybe it would be very boring even if it was very effective

They know! They just don’t care…

Let’s remove tank slot to make game require less tank players…oh wait, it’s last tank slot we got.


This will sound stupid but in a way it threatens the dps experience. With less playtime (longer cue times) the game isn’t as fun!

This is the reason why I picked up the game (OW1). I really enjoyed the playing support. I didn’t needed to frag to make an impact.

Now it just like my support abilities doesn’t matter anymore. Just how much damage I can do that result in a team kill.

I just watched the video and Spilo SPECIFICALLY said the opposite of what you said, probably in fear of people like you “”“paraphrasing”“” what he said.

5v5 essentially killed tanking

it really doesnt matter what blizzard does, as long as there is only a single tank per team there are going to be fundamental issues, one of the major ones being the rock-paper-scissors counterpicking

He literally said he wasn’t optimistic coming out of that conversation, and that the devs think that tank players’ concerns are overrated.

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And this is something that has been said dozens of times.

But popular DPS hero mains only care about their short term satisfaction, their egos and ‘‘winning’’ the balance/design war they imagine they have against any hero they dislike.


Someone asked the exact same question as your thread title and he SPECIFICALLY said no. Yet you somehow find a way to twist that so bravo i guess.

You want DPS players playing tank though. Sure, you might lose a few dedicated tanks players, but it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the DPS orientated playerbase.

The idea that you have to make the DPS playerbase play other roles is flawed and will never work.

You need to attract older or newer players into the roles without them abandoning them for the DPS role due to being treated to nerf fests every 6 months.

That the DPS role is so stagnant plays in part as a reason as to why people flock to it. Why play tank/support when you can just pick up a hitscan/flanker and never get meaningful nerfs while having a constant stream of side picks for minimal investment?

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I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to openly say “we don’t give a f about your experience, get over it”.

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thats a valid reason to do it, but we have already seen how bad the dmg variant of tank plays

the last 8 seasons were all a glass cannon style tank, people just didnt notice it because in most ranks people (tanks) are being double pocketed

but in masters/gm the tank could and would explode because the supports focus alot more on dealing dmg

tanks are glass canons now and before this patch they had really good dmg potential

so im not honestly sold on buffing their dmg when it hasnt worked for over a year

edit: the glass canon playstyle might work better with less healing but the tank itself is still playing into the same healing unless a dps hits the same target as them. so this may require an even bigger patch that globally nerfs healing further and completely shifts the design of the game away from the healing but again thats a big change to make and we dont even know if it’d play well

You don’t want DPS players on other roles. All it achieves is turning other roles into DPS as well.

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Even if anti was removed from the game, that still isn’t going to fix the rock-paper-scissors issue tanks have to deal with. You’re on, enemy swaps to Zarya, you go winston, enemy swaps to, you go Zarya, etc.

Same thing I said above. Reduce tank hard-counters, especially among tanks themselves. Imagine if you have to solo DPS and you’re on hanzo, the enemy swap to genji, so you go pharah or echo, the enemy swap to soldier: 76, so you swap to genji yourself etc. It’s not the best analogy but you get the idea.

Tanks that swap to counter other tanks shouldn’t get so much value with so little effort. Counter-swap should still be a thing in the game. But tank’s ability to counter other tanks should be dialed down because there’s only one of them now.

There not going to care until enough people stop playing and they lose money

You pretty much say the opposite of what the stats say, except about DVa. Orisa win rate is bad - probably because she is only good on defence (but incredibly frustrating and unfun to have in any game - I often wonder if it’s a human playing or someone trained their dog to mash the buttons in the right sequence!).

Ram is doing great in S9. He is close to being the top tank. 2nd highest pick-rate at masters and GM and top-4 at almost every rank. He also has highest win-rate if we ignore Mauga who is more niche so his stats won’t tell us much.

The stats don’t include only S9 yet but also the end of S8 so things will change. But Ram has gone up the ranks rather than down since S9 began.

Not exactly a reliable counter in S9. Zarya is not a hard-counter to DVa now. You need at least 1 other beam on your team to deal with her in S9.