Devs apparently don't care about the tank experience

Because the more you buff it the more ana and/or zen become necessary against him. We are in a place where ana is still holding the game hostage even though she isn’t played as much. Just the threat of her being played and anti being in the game means they have to adjust tanks accordingly.

If they would just remove anti then they could take a pass at balancing tank without the threat that it will be in a game. Just like mercy boost and DPS.

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I had 207 hp as Reinhardt, suddenly I got killed by knife stab, no headshot from Junkerqueen, or discord orb or anti nade.
This patch has made TTK (time to kill) more faster not slower. OW2 is a joke in 2024.

They should just delete tank role, its a false illusion you are a tank.

most of what you said here wont help tank

nerfing the dps passive just puts them at the previous level of being squishy, nerfing anti only makes it so they are still heavily reliant on supports to sustain them (and they wont do that in higher ranks)

the rest takes time, buffing tanks and ‘tuning tank busters’ takes time

what is bastion if not a tank buster, he has to be reworked.

your list proved my point because you not only didnt solve the problem with any of these changes but you would make it take longer for a real solution to take place all because you misunderstand the problem

the issue isnt that tanks are getting less healing due to the dps passive, they exploded without the dps pasive

the issue is that the tank is so reliant on another role (supports) to keep them alive, when their entire job is to be person in the front soaking dmg.

the tank role is unironically bad at its job

this would be like if every hero in the dmg role did 30 dps and couldnt headshot, thats how poorly designed the tank role is for its job right now

edit: just to further the point

the tanks job is to stand in front of 5 players and survive yet most tank heroes cant do so. an example of that, without tank busters, they have anywhere between 400 to 700dps being shot at them, not including headshots if all 5 players shoot the big easy to hit target.

no amount of healing is going to save the tank from such high amounts of dmg

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If you play tank, you don’t want any experience. Otherwise you play other roles.

Devs once again in denial phase. Mega-cope. Time has always proven them wrong with everything else, so don’t worry it won’t be long till they make more changes. Game will die otherwise.


Devs are just the grunts , those responsible for the game changes are those higher ups calling the shots on how the game play should be. DEVS aren’t decision makers, its the game directors. If you have the slightest clue how a business operates you would know this.

I’d go the damage route. Everyone loves playing JQ.

Maybe we just need to add a Tank with a thorns ability.

“Oh you’re shooting me and deleting my entire HP in a second? Well yours is gone now too.”



Much like tank players got “over it” in OW1 and it did not cause 10 minute dps+support queues, resulting in everyone quitting their game. To then proceed and make OW2 which needs only 1 tank to solve that problem and now repeat the same mistake again.

You can tell that they have absolutely 0 talent left when it comes to their developers in the OW department.

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Seems like we should focus on making tanks resist damage more. With a role wide passive that makes them resist crits and debuffs more. Of course, if tanks are exploding too easy to damage, a true solution would be to nerf damage. But we know blizzard would NEVER do that.


The fun part is they’re right, tanking is both fine and fun. Tank is considered not fun because people are bad at tanking, not because of any inherent problems with the role.

This whole thing about using cover right now shows that. People that equate “using cover” to “hiding the whole match” are bad tanks.

They totally deserves another rounds of layoff.

I think the issue is just a lack of basic knowledge for Tank players, and not understanding they’re not supposed to be immovable giants. They do have to die, and they can die a lot if they don’t use their defensive abilities or learn to take cover.

Some tank player object to this; certain player behaviors in past seasons allowed Tanks to be pretty resilient overall, but I think many Tank players are either misjudging or mis-analyzing situations and thinking the problem isn’t with them, but a balance issue.

It doesn’t help that Blizzard isn’t building tutorials to help Tanks learn to be better tanks, however.

Lucio really isn’t a bad Support for Junker Queen to work with, actually.

Part of this problem is having to deal with an in-attentive co-Support, and a team that doesn’t want to minimize the damage they take. I’ve been in games where I cannot do much but constantly toss out healing, because my co-Support doesn’t want to do anything else but shoot the enemy team. So I’m often ending up with games where I’m 8k healing above my co-Support and ending 10 minute games with 9-12k healing compared to my co-Supports less than 3k healing.

The problem here is that if you balance based on popularity, you get the situation that they’ve built themselves into. Tanks and Supports being far more valuable because they’re less popular than the Damage-role.

They don’t, Tanks have never had problems dealing with damage. They have all the tools they need to survive.

Again, game did not start with 2 mandatory tanks. It Blizzard’s belief and intention that there would only be one Tank per team in 6v6. Beta proved this, live game proved this; it was only in the competitive environment that it varied between two and three.

There’s already plenty of tools to deal with Biotic Grenade, and has been since the beginning.

Discord is only a problem when it comes to focus-fire; and then again Tanks already have tools to deal with focus-fire.

Most tanks cannot be headshot from certain angles or can render the damage to near zero. A clean critical shot against an armored target won’t even register 2x damage, but 1.7x. So already, critical damage is less effective on Tanks; and there are some tanks that can completely rendered themselves immune to it through abilities (Wrecking Ball, Orisa Fortify).

There are no heroes built to specifically deal with Tanks, and there never has been.

You’re playing a game that was based on the vision of the development team at Blizzard. While they care for feedback, they’re not going to cater the whims of a hardcore minority who think that they know better than the designers of the game.

Already exists. What do you think armor is? Barriers? Defense Matrix, Fortify, Kinetic Grasp?

Probably; but these complaints don’t come out of nowhere; there needs to be better indications and some education (tutorials) to better explain what a Tank is supposed to do.

Well that’s because this is not the tank’s job!! Then we would end up with all tanks being too similar. Players shouldn’t be grouped behind the tank all the time thinking it is protecting them from the enemy team. What a boring game you envisage!!

Tanks need to hold space, then push in when the opportunity presents itself, but that doesn’t mean standing out front. Hog uses the thread of his hook and shouldn’t be standing out front, ball uses mobility to disrupt and distract the other team making them vulnerable, DVa uses mobility to get in a out, as do monkey and doom. They still enable space to be taken even if not directly occupying that space.

Making the whole tank role like Orisa and Rein is the most boring thing imaginable. What you seem to suggest is 2 tanks facing off trying to fight for space. Have you ever played an Orisa vs. Orisa game? Most tedious thing you will ever do in your life!

You don’t seem to understand tanking in OW at all yet you write such long posts about it.

As a tank main I don’t care about the game anymore. Not only does my own team treat me like crap but so do the devs.

Tanking was the most unique aspect of a shooter I’ve ever seen but now it’s just a DPS fest even support are just DPS now


so, tank players need to “get over it” yet they coddle supports like they’re defenceless infants?? these devs are a joke dude


Tank players need to stop queuing up and force the issue. This game simply isn’t viable when it’s catered to DPS and DPS should be by far the weakest class in the game given it’s the most popular role.

That isn’t possible for a single knife stab from Junker Queen to dish out 207hp (or more).

Ong the only thing you do as Rein this season is be a shield bot. You have to hold shield so much that even that feels useless. Suddenly you have no shield and are out in the open dying in 3 secs.

As bad as tank is this season, D.Va especially and Orisa are OP rn. Ball can be pretty solid.
Every other tank STRUGGLES.

Hard to believe Ram is even a tank at times. Like WHY is 20% of his shield underground.