DEVS about MERCY's role in the game

I think when they said Mercy has less healing than Lucio they were talking about Lucio being able to heal everyone at the same time.

Nope, stats say Moira outheals her by far. Ana and Lucio can do easily the same but they aren’t focusing on healing only.

So not only is Alarak basically Darth VAder with Obi-wan’s sass he also directly references LInes that Vader has made.

Well played Blizzard Well Played

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That was the intention. :stuck_out_tongue: You will be surprised how many references they put in their games from other popular Sci-Fi.

They just attempt to trick players, by pretending that over course of match healing matters more, than healing per second. Tanks do not care, if healer heals 1000 or 20 000 hp during round, but certainly will care, if they are being healed with 50 or 90 hps.

Put your statistics where those belong, Blizzard: there are lies, there are blatant lies, and there are statistics.

moira is run in tank heavy comps, where healing a lot of targets in more important then rezing the fallen teammate or pocketing one target and fallowing it around the map, and since heavy comps are more played then dive now, it’s normal to have moira beat her in stats.
but play moira in dive and you’ll ruin it for your team.

Pretty sure low ranks aren’t going to Overbuff, don’t those sites only count the players that link their accounts? If anything its skewing higher because higher ranks are more likely to share their stats

for the sake of balancing, they really shouldn’t count. Either balance for the highest tiers, or balance for the average player, i.e. gold. Any game would die if they balanced their heroes for the bottom tiers.

No, Overbuff and sites count every public account. We found out how to have stats for every rank and I was right: Moira is the best healer (not the best support, the best healer) atm.

No? She isn’t?
Not according to overbuff at least.

Think he means best healer in the sense that her primary heals per second is the high3st out of the main healers.

Pc qp:
Mercy heals 12.388
Moira heals 11.033

Pc comp:
Mercy heals 10.913
Moira heals 11.206

Ps4 qp:
Mercy heals 11.441
Moira heals 9.727

Ps4 comp:
Mercy heals 10.367
Moira heals 10.306

Xbox qp:
Mercy heals 11.434
Moira heals 9.275

Xbox comp:
Mercy heals 10.577
Moira heals 10.479

This is without counting mercys average 6-8 resurrects per game. (at worst 900 health, at best 4800 health)

No. He means over the time of a game.

Note his statement:

That’s Geoff’s statement, isn’t it?

Which is the statement the op has a problem with.
He thinks that moira has an average healing of more than mercy, because you can’t count people of lower ranks into the average.

According to this, Moira does indeed do more heals than Mercy up until silver.

And according to overbuff, she does less healing up until plat.

Now, it’s just a matter of who to trust since we can’t possibly tell as to which one is right and which one is wrong. Let’s just agree to disagree.

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This dude can’t stop considering bronze and silvers. Check gold+ stats. Moira > Mercy on healing.

Btw Overbuff stats are now garbage due to private profiles, even tho they show I’m right.

Psn and Xbox would like to have a word with you.
Not to mention rez would also like to have a word.