Developer video update - Experimentation & Hero Pools

Yeah, generally good update, and it seems the highest tiers of play are incredibly excited for the notion of a hero pool, but I have no idea how anyone below diamond is going to react to the system.

I hope the first experimental card is the hero ban system so the playerbase will have a chance to preview it before it’s implemented.

i can only imagine the one-tricks are gonna flood into the other game modes for those weeks. and it’s gonna be kinda of a reverse of the map pool in the casual modes.

not sure how to feel about that.

Yeah, that’s brings the number of hazards with a competitive hero pool up quite a bit.


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i dont like hero pools, because we only have handful of supports and tanks…what if one week i dont know, 4 tanks gets removed, or worse, 4 support
is there a rule like 1 support, 1 tank, 2 dps? or is 4 tanks banned a possibility?
nvm, there is, but i dont know if thats for main game, its worded like its only for OWL

I guess we’ll see, but I don’t envision that ending well either. I can see maybe in the pro scene, but the remaining 99.9999% of people ultimately play for fun.

The Overwatch League article shows that it will be one support one tank and two damage heroes only. I’d expect the main game to be the same.


than its fine, if my hero is bannaned i’ll just chill for a week :smiley:

Widow, Hazno, and Doomfist mains better start working on there Torb right now.

Probably the healthiest path.

I can see both a good OR bad outcome coming from this change. I honestly hope they put it on the first experimental card to see how it pans out.

My only hope with Hero pools, is that it will let you know BEFORE queueing up.
For example I’m ok with placing tank sometimes but it’s not my strongest roles and I’m stronger as certain tanks ( Orisa, DVa, Roadhog, ehh with sigma).
But if I join a game and find out I have to play Wisnton, WB, Zarya or Rein?
It’s gonna be a bad day for my team :sweat_smile:

I have updated it starting post with key facts about Hero bans so that there’s no confusion.

can you ask the devs if it is possible to do SR tier specific hero pools? different tier levels may benefit from bastion being out of the pool as an example.

Overall, I think it is okay and I am willing to try Hero Pools. I think it is a good strategy to get players to try other heroes every week in comp.

can you check, if one hero can be banned 1st week and 3rd week (just because its popular) in a row ?

I really like this update, can’t wait.

About the experimental card, it’ll be interesting. I will say, it just made 1/3/2 a lot more likely as Jeff outright said they’d love to have the chance to bring their testing to the public before deciding if they want to go through with it. Welp, here’s that chance.

I’d argue the exact opposite.

Bans would make the game boring, repetitive, and monotonous, as you can pretty much predict exactly what heroes will and won’t be banned until the next patch hits live and changes things up, and even then, certain ranks will always just pretty much perma-ban certain heroes.

But the hero pool sounds like it’ll be randomized, forcing everyone, from long time flexers to new one tricks to stay on their toes in between patches themselves. It’s also going to change much more frequently than map pools, meaning if you don’t like a certain pool, you can just wait a week, which won’t really even effect high rank’s decay system.

Personally, I’m really looking forward to it. I sorta would think it’s cool if they made it randomized for every match so you really don’t know what you’re getting into, but one step at a time.


On one hand, I’d sorta like it if they didn’t let you know. A role ranking should be based on how you can play the role, not a single hero or two. If you can’t really adapt just because one tank got banned, then you should be forced to learn.

On the other hand, I know I’m the odd one here thinking that. A lot of people would rather just outright abandon the match than play a hero they don’t like or aren’t comfortable with, which would just making queuing for DPS that much more frustrating.

Assuming the above is accurate, anyway.

Is there a download too?

From the OWL post Wyoming linked

The heroes will be randomly selected from a group of eligible heroes based on play-rate data from the previous two weeks of Overwatch League matches—only heroes that are being played regularly can be pulled from the next hero pool.

So we’re both right.

Not to mention, it’s not entirely clear if the ladder bans will work the exact same way. It’d be a little ridiculous to ban heroes in Gold just because people played them in OWL.