Developer video update - Experimentation & Hero Pools

Divide by zero!


This is the part that confuses me. Statistics vary wildly across ranks. I wonder if they’re going to use overall statistics or only high-tier statistics.

idk, banning widow kinda makes me feel more free

Hero pools?


Ohhhh dear lord no…

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Hero pools is a dumb idea and not necessary for every rank under masters. If they want hero pools/bans for OWL and the top tier of players, then fine, I think that’s fair. But the vast majority of the community is platinum or below, and they like to play their specific heroes. Hero pools makes people remove themselves from climbing whenever they want and forces them to play quick play or another game if their favorite heroes are unavailable.

Everyone keeps taking aim at OTP for this change because its easy. Why is nobody mad for the everyday guy/girl? Who plays in gold and only gets to play two days a week for an hour or so? They probably don’t care much (nor should they) for hero bans/pools. They just want to play and climb, and ideally they should be able to play their favorite hero to do so.

Like I said, the rest of this update is great. Experimental card sounds good for console and everyone else (kinda makes PTR redundant but whatever), QoL changes and new player profiles is something fresh and cool. Workshop updates is never bad. Frequent and aggressive patches means the meta should shake up frequently anyway without hero pools, and this is all good.

TL;DR. Hero pools/bans should only be in the game for OWL/Masters and above.


…proceeds to ban heros to make the meta move.

Here’s the other thing:

You’ve worked hard to climb SR as a tank. “Meta” tank gets banned. You going to risk playing a tank you’re horrible at that week in comp or are you going to take the week off comp?

You really want to gamble on a massive losing streak?

I know I wouldn’t want to.

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Hero pools might even beat Forced 2-2-2 as the worst developer decision this game has had IMO.

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Hero pool one trick and dps owned again by blizz hahaha.

Personally, I don’t think you deserve that SR if you can only achieve it on a single tank in a meta they’re strongest in.

This change allows people who actually put effort into the roster to prove themselves.

Cool story. I don’t want to hear any complaints from my team when we lose SR because I have to play Orisa instead of Rein.

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One of the biggest problem of OW is the small heroes roster and developers just decided to make it smaller. I really don’t understand them.

Is the RPT server going to disappear like it does in lab mode?

Otherwise worse idea the Hero Pool but we are used to bad decisions now.

Thank you for the summary, OP. You have saved me around eleven minutes of my time.

Looking forward to the lab!

I’m surprised this video wasn’t added to Announcements thread.

Yeah, that did rub me the wrong way, a little.

“Hero Bans aren’t coming to OW…”

"Now, introducing hero pools!’

Uh, Jeff, they’re kind of the same thing. It’s the same idea with a different color paint job…

But, yeah, whatever. It’s Comp only And at least it’s developer-controlled, instead of player-controlled. So, the bias won’t be nearly as bad. So, that’s good.

Right? It wouldn’t be the first time that they’ve changed the game for only the higher ranks. They did the same thing with stacking. You can only have a two-stack, in what was it? Masters+ I think?

To be honest, it’s hard for me to remember, because I only solo Q, So it doesn’t affect me. Plus, it was said a while back, and it’s hard to remember.

to be honest, what I think they’ll use the experimental card for is large scale ideas. For example, like Jeff talked about the game being 132. That’s the sort of thing that would require heavy balance changes and would probably be under the experimental card.

I would assume your typical “We increased this CD of this Hero, we nerfed the healing of this Hero, etc”, kind of stuff, would still come to the PTR. You know, the small potatoes.

I’m sure it will. It’ll probably be listed under the same place where they show you what maps are in the pool for the season.


Thanks for all that, mate. Easier to read your bullet points, than an entire article. Cheers!

Anti cheat does not affect the workshop, right?

I would assume any anti-cheat measures would be detected in any game mode. Do not attempt to use any third-party software regardless of intent. You have been warned.

Lol I meant ingame things like workshop made aimbot or dmg ups, things the game would probably count as unusual. I always thought that a part of any cheat system would detect something fishy, again, such as aimbot.

Oh yeah, any Workshop code would be different. Don’t stress over that.