Dev silence on LFG

The system has a lot of issues that needs to be addressed. It takes too long to find good groups, not to mention that you can’t perma kick people from your groups.

There has been no communication from devs asking us what other features we would like to see. Feels like the system is never going to improve no matter how much we ask.


I feel like everyone kinda forgot about this system. Which is really a shame. Probably because queue times are so long (ironic because the less people use it, the longer the queues become.)

I think they should definitely try and incentivize players to use it by offering it as an alternative to arcade weekly loot boxes. A lot of people dislike the arcade games depending on the week but still want to avail of the loot boxes. Personally I love FFA so if thats on I’m happy. But this week for example is an absolute nightmare in terms of choice. Which most people seem to agree with. So to provide an alternative to earning the loot boxes while encouraging team effort I think would be a good thing.

I get the feeling that it’s a bit of an embarrassment for Blizzard.

They clearly put a lot of time and effort into this system with it being one of the biggest announcements for OW this year, thinking it would keep the game going strong.

But it’s pretty clear at this point the way the system is designed failed. They posted some impressive numbers the week of launch when everyone was trying it, but within a month it was all but dead.

That’s not just because people “forgot about it” – it’s because it failed to do what OW so desperately needs – give people the opportunity to play what they want without being instantly judged.

to be fair if you take the time to farm for good players and be a stat hawk you will get some awsome games,problem is that it takes 20-30 minutes to find a good group. but when you do the games are very good and have a competitive feel to them.

That’s fine for the small amount of people who want to put that much effort into building the perfect team. Reality is though, most people just want to queue up and not get forced into a particular role – not spend a half hour analyzing people’s stats or getting kicked from groups because you don’t have enough hours on ‘x’ hero or a myriad of other things.

The LFG system, in my opinion, brought elitism to a whole new level in Overwatch. I feel like your average gamer who has a couple of hours a night to play at best just doesn’t want to deal with that. Seemed pretty obvious it was going to fail to me.


LFG is a complete waste of time, it has exactly the issues I feared it had when it was first announced.

The Devs would have to do something completely different to make it worth using. But I am at a loss as to what that is.

Until it gets the Mercy treatment I am not going to touch it again, unless I want to do a dps duo with a buddy.


I hate how long it takes to find a group as well. Everyone instantly leaves after joining and it’s so frustrating. At one point I just gave up and queued with only 4 members. Sometimes though I get a group within like 3 min.

Well, when it launched, I had some fantastic games using it… then it died down and now it’s back to dealing with the “it’s just QP let me play w/ one hand if I want to” crowd of morons.