I hear a TON of people complain about different things in the game they don’t like, but I very seldom hear people give a thoughtful assessment of what they would do differently.
So I thought it would be fun to ask folks to put on their Dev hat, pretend they had the executive authority, and give an accounting of what THEY would do.
So I am not looking to vague general notions like “reduce the mount of CC” but for actual specifics, which moves would you change, how would you change them? And some consideration, since you are the lead Dev in this scenario, for how those changes might affect other things, and how the community might react to those secondary effects, and what you’d do about that.
Or if your complaint is more vague like “Patch more often” then give some detail for how often, if you were in charge, you would roll out patches, how you would prioritize development time between balance patches and generation of new content, what balance would you strike that would be a reasonable release rate of both?
So something like this:
-General Thing I don’t like
-Broad conceptual approach to the issue
-Specific functional details of the implementation
-What secondary effects might his have do those need to be addressed, and how?