Dev AMA time, and Reddit is 503ing


Also the patch just went Live.


“patch” just some shop skins as I noticed and the titles from the cupid event


I have no trouble accessing Reddit at all.
Might be regional thing.


Right, but if you refresh a lot, or try to post you get 503’s.

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At restaurant, currently can’t check for changes

Battery low

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The patch was a slew of bug fixes. No hero changes.

Patch is lackluster, but at least there are a few notable bug fixes/changes.

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – February 21, 2023:


Was gonna post the whole thing but you beat me to it.

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Are they actually answering questions? I’ve never live followed an AMA

I haven’t seen them answer a question yet


Doesn’t seem like it yet.

I said I would try to do a summary thread but I’m on the road atm so can’t really do so…when I get home I’ll try if someone hasn’t already


One would think that a so successful game would get more than 938 votes and 1k comments in a dev AMA.


I tried to get on it at work and it froze my entire computer. So… no checking it for me.

One would think that a so successful game would get more than 938 votes and 1k comments in a dev AMA.

If it were posted to r/Overwatch, that’d probably be the case, but it’s in r/Competitiveoverwatch for some reason.

Oh so devs still think the game is competitive.

Why the hell post It in the less populated one?

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From what I hear it’s because even the regular OW reddit has kinda turned on/against blizzard at this point.

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and regardless if they want all kinds of questions, I doubt they want to be cursed and slurred at for the next hour or so