Detailed writing on why Role queue will single-handedly eliminate a sizeable chunk of the playerbase

cough bump cough

Kinda forgot about this since my “vacation” from the forums which has also cost me my L3 otherwise:


Read everhthing. I was initially very pleased with the RQ concept but with time got to experience some teamwork difficulties you’ve mentioned.

Especially the one where a single player (or more) of a certain role doesn’t do their job properly. I’ve always mained Supports and placed in Diamond a few days ago. To my surprise, the games weren’t terrible and people really tried working together to win.

Once I did my DPS placements where I was placed in Gold and Tank placements where I was still Plat like before, things really went downhill.

I see a lot of DPS players that don’t do their job (one would think this was natural within these low ranks) and also Supports from which I would usually receive 200 healing a match. The problem with supports was really felt when I was playing tanks. Had zero sustain.

So I’ve come to this conclusion that people want to play their secondary roles just for the loot boxes, credits or competitive points while not giving a damn whether what they’re doing is right. It’s their off-role so why care, right? Why would they try? On top of that, poor play is not reportable.

So if any of you think that getting out of lower ranks was tough before, this is going to hurt like hell. Competitive below Diamond is now full of people playing off-roles for Competitive points.

2/2/2 felt really nice on paper but its implementation was done poorly. So poorly that I’m all out of hopes it’s ever going to be fixed.

I have to agree. Not to mention, the toxicity level was already high before, but now, when you play, it’s always “Blame to dps” regardless of if it’s truly the dps’ fault or not. Never anyone else.

At least before, when needed to, you could swap off to another hero to at least balance the game. Now, one-tricks become even more prominent. Love how this game is going (complete sarcasm). Experienced a series of leavers in a few matches and now, I’ve never had such a hard time getting out of gold. I have to say… probably about 50 or more games between 2300 and 2400 and each time I get close to ranking up, someone just has to be toxic.

222 is not fun, just like how everyone said goats isn’t fun. Except it’s now a game of CCs. You can actually find out if you will win/lose within the first 10 seconds of the round now. I used to love this game… been playing for nearly 3 years now. It really doesn’t feel like the same game AT ALL.

A lot of people may have talked about it but I believe the role queue is killing the quick game concept. I really understand why Blizzard came up with it. but having to wait up to 18 minutes to be able to play a quick game is becoming ridiculous, even when I selected all three types of characters. The screen showed I would get a game in less than 7 minutes and it took me 18.

The other thing that bothers me is that while in competitive game, after the long wait you start playing and suddenly a player decides to leave and they cancel the match. That is ridiculous. Blizzard should punish people that do that by not allowing them to participate for a week the first time and more after the second or third time they do it. Same goes for players that log in, not to play, so that they get kicked out instead of being punished.