Demon Hunter Sombra - any chance they release it during the Halloween event?

I’m cool with this type of thread coming up once in a while to keep the topic alive until the end of the year until it actually gets released in-game . Don’t want Blizzard sweeping it under the rug as Legacy and hoping everyone forgets it.

Players: Yeah, it’s clearly pointed out the Demon Hunter skin was not Blizzcon exclusive and would be available sometime in 20I9.

Blizzard: Hmm? No…no, don’t see any of that.


That’s fair. I apologize, I thought the discussion at hand was about the skin being available for in game credits. That is my poor reading comprehension then.

I consider 10-15 dollars to be a reasonable price for a legendary skin in OW.
I personally was ready to pay 50 dollars because between the skin AND the streams AND the other goodies for games I play it was a decent value.
Considering though that the skin was announced (sorta) to be available later AND I was going to watch the streams at my friends house anyway AND I don’t play the other games all that much, I decided to defer my purchase. However if I had bought the ticket and a year later the sombra skin became free I wouldn’t bat an eye. I had it for a year, I still have it even if other people do, and I’d have got my 10-15 bucks worth out of it.

It’s like 50/50

I just didn’t like the idea of people being called a choosing beggar for having hopes of the skin being released for 2x the normal price of an event legendary during Halloween.

Calm and patient till 23:59 December 31st 2019, then we riot.

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January 1st 2020
Blizzard: “Happy new year.” :partying_face:
Forums: “Demon Hunter when?” :angry:
Blizzard: “Oh crud!” :scream:
dives into a pillow fort filled with money

Sadly I do not think it will ever come back. Which is sad since I know some people who did not buy it to get it later.

If it does ever come back it would not be in lootboxes. It would most likely come as a reward for either buying or playing other blizzard games.
This can either be per-purchasing the the more expensive copy of Diablo 4 or playing Diablo immortal.

Though this is just my guess, It might be locked forever sadly.

They should make an event that allows you to buy purchasble skins and special skins. It would be a profitable decision.

This may be relevant:

Personally I’m also really looking forward to that skin, and wouldn’t mind paying 10 or 15 euro for it. That’s acceptable. Not like 50 though, that’s a bit crazy. Guess we’ll see what they come up with.

Blizzard stated they’ll release it in 2019. If they don’t, there will be a riot.

Only $50? Would you mind buying it for me then? If that’s such a low number.

Source? Because there was nothing in the Battlenet launcher announcing this, nor any official statement on the forum

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I didn’t see it in my launcher.

There was also no official news on the Blizzard Website concerning the virtual ticket after Blizzcon 2018 ended.

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That isn’t what they meant though. It explicitly states, all the goodies will be available seperately from the ticket in 2019

The quality of blizzcon Winston and Bastion skins are not as good as Sombras, they are basically recolors, a huge leap in quality.

This matters because?

Winston is white. Big enough change for me just because it’s actually different than any of his other skins. Bastions yeah don’t really care…but that Winston one is good. IMO.

I wouldn’t go even if it was free and Buzzard paid my transportation.

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